W3C HTML Validation Service: What's New

This page lists recent changes to the W3C HTML Validation Service.

For minor changes and bug fixes that aren't listed on this page, see the CVS log.

April 28, 2000:

Added the file upload feature. (Thanks to Terje Bless for the patches!)

Created the www-validator-cvs mailing list.

Updated the home page, moved some things to another page.

January 26, 2000:

Updated the DTDs and added icons for XHTML 1.0, HTML 4.01.

August 24, 1999:

Added the DTDs for HTML 4.01.

Updated the DTDs for XHTML 1.0.

April 8, 1999:

Added username/password proxying for validation of documents protected by HTTP Basic Authentication, thanks to patches from Renaud Bruyeron. (see the changes)

This revision also includes patches to use the Perl5 version of libwww-perl, LWP.

March 4, 1999:

Added support for XHTML, using the DTDs from the 19990304 working draft. (see the changes)

February 25, 1999:

Added support for ISO-2022-JP and Shift_JIS character encodings. Thanks to Takuya Asada, Masayasu Ishikawa, and Martin Dürst for their patches and advice.

Updated the SGML declaration according to the HTML 4.0 spec errata. (see the changes)

August 26, 1998:

Put a tarred and gzipped version of the SGML library files (DTDs etc.) on the Web.

August 5, 1998:

Posted some new documents on the Web:

July 24, 1998:

Made the source code available via W3C's public CVS tree.

Upgraded the HTTP server to Apache 1.3.1.

June 19, 1998:

Added a page about the hardware/network behind this service.

April 20, 1998:

Added support for a parameter to check the referring Web page for mistakes.

To use it, just link to the following URI when linking to the service:


(you can try the link above to see how it works.)

December 18, 1997:

Updated HTML 4.0 materials to match the HTML 4.0 Recommendation.

Valid HTML 4.0! Gerald Oskoboiny
$Date: 2000/04/28 09:01:52 $