Anusha Bishop received an R.C. Lewontin Award from the Society for the Study of Evolution. The $2,500 grant will support her dissertation research on the genomics of adaptation to climate change.
Lab News
2/18/22: Erin’s book, Sea Turtles to Sidewinders, is now out in print!
Erin has published a fantastic book on some of the most fun, exciting, and ecologically-important amphibians and reptiles from western North America. It’s an easy-to-get-into guide with cool information on each species and outstanding photography – check it out!
Sea Turtles to Sidewinders: A Guide to the Most Fascinating Reptiles and Amphibians of the West

10/4/21: New paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution!
Led by Drew Terasaki Hart, we have a new paper out in MBE describing a new Python package for complex landscape genomic simulations, called Geonomics. The Geonomics package is freely available and can be installed via pip. You can find documentation for setting up simulations in Geonomics on PyPI.
Terasaki Hart D.E., Bishop A., and Wang I.J. (2021) Geonomics: forward-time, spatially explicit, and arbitrarily complex landscape genomic simulations. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38: 4634-4646.
9/15/21: Jess McLaughlin joins the lab!
Jess McLaughlin has joined the lab as a new postdoc and will be working on our Dimensions of Biodiversity project. Welcome to the lab, Jess!
7/1/21: Welcome to the lab, Kinsey!
Kinsey Brock has joined the lab as an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow. Her research will examine the evolution of color polymorphism in Podarcis lizards in Greece. Welcome, Kinsey!
5/15/21: Congratulations, Dr. Yuan!
Mike Yuan has officially completed his Ph.D. He’ll be joining UC Davis in the fall as the new Center for Population Biology Postdoctoral Fellow. Congratulations, Dr. Yuan!
3/13/21: Mike will be the next CPB Postdoc!
Mike Yuan has just received the prestigious Center for Population Biology Postdoctoral Fellowship at UC Davis! He will continue his work on Lesser Antillean anoles while working in the labs of Tom Schoener, Peter Wainwright, and Rachael Bay.
1/2/21: Guin is now a professor at Oklahoma State!
Guin Wogan has departed the lab to start her job as an assistant professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at Oklahoma State University. We bid her a sad farewell, but we’re excited to see everything that develops in the Wogan Lab!
12/14/20: Anusha received an ESPM starter grant!
Anusha Bishop received a $2,000 grant in the ESPM starter grant competition. The award will support her dissertation research on genetic responses to climate change.
5/4/20: Catherine was awarded the Babcock Prize in Environmental Science!
Undergraduate researcher Catherine Jung has been awarded the Kenneth L. Babcock Prize in Environmental Science! The award is presented to the most outstanding graduating senior from UC Berkeley’s Rausser College in environmental science research. Catherine recently completed an outstanding honor’s thesis on the anoles of Montserrat.