3/13/18: New paper on alkaloid resistance in poison frogs

We have a new paper on alkaloid resistance genes in poison frogs published in PLOS One.  Motivated by the idea that if resistance is costly to maintain then we could expect it to be lost in low toxicity populations, we examined individual variation in a major alkaloid resistance gene in three species of poison frogs (Dendrobates auratus, D. granuliferus, and D. pumilio).

Yuan M.L. and Wang I.J. (2018) Sodium ion channel alkaloid resistance does not vary with toxicity in aposematic Dendrobates poison frogs: an examination of correlated trait evolution. PLOS One, 13: e0194265. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194265


12/12/17: New paper on community assembly in soil fungi – IBE not IBD

Ian has a new paper out in Molecular Ecology, in collaboration with Sydney Glassman and Tom Bruns, on the factors driving community assembly in soil fungi at fine spatial scales.  Using generalized dissimilarity modeling, this study shows that environmental filtering, rather than dispersal limitation, explains variation in fungal communities.  The data were collected from the Gaylor Lakes basin in Yosemite National Park.

Glassman S.I., Wang I.J., and Bruns T.D. (2017) Environmental filtering by pH and soil nutrients drives community assembly in fungi at fine spatial scales. Molecular Ecology, 26: 6960-6973.

10/10/17: New paper on forest fragmentation in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

In collaboration with Jake Brenner (Ithaca College) and Van Butsic (UC Berkeley), Ian Wang has published a new paper in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment on the effects of cannabis grows on forest fragmentation in Northern California.  The paper quantifies the landscape impacts of expanding cannabis production and puts forward a new approach for analyzing the per-unit-area effects of emerging agricultural land-uses.  The study has already garnered a lot of attention in mainstream media, including Anthropocene Magazine and Vice.


Wang I.J., Brenner J.C., and Butsic V. (2017) An emerging agricultural crop leads to deforestation and fragmentationFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 15: 495-501. [pdf]