Jess McLaughlin

Jess McLaughlin

Position: Postdoc


Office: 217 Hilgard Hall

Research Interests: speciation, hybrid zones, gene flow, phylogeography, ornithology

View Jess’s full website here.

Honors & Awards:

University of Oklahoma Alumni Fellow, 2017.
Brina Kessel Medal for Excellence in Science, 2015
Outstanding Undergraduate in Wildlife Biology, 2014

Recent Publications:

JF McLaughlin, B Faircloth, T Glenn, K Winker. 2020. Divergence, gene flow, and the speciation
continuum in nine lineages of trans-Beringian birds. Molecular Ecology, 29: 3526-3542.

KE Everson, JF McLaughlin, IA Cato, MM Evans, AR Gastaldi, KK Mills, KG Shink, SM Wilbur, K Winker. 2019. Speciation, gene flow, and seasonal migration in Catharus thrushes (Aves:Turdidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 139: 106564.

KM O’Brien, EL Crockett, J Philip, CA Oldham, M Hoffman, DE Kuhn, R Barry, JF McLaughlin. 2018. The loss of hemoglobin and myoglobin does not minimize oxidative stress in Antarctic icefishes. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221:jeb162503.

LE Teigen, JI Orczewska, JF McLaughlin, KM O’Brien. 2015. Cold acclimation increases levels of some heat shock protein and sirtuin isoforms in threespine stickleback. Comp. Biochem. Phys. A, 188: 139-147.