
We provide a PDF that includes X. fastidiosa specific and related manuscripts up to the early 2000s. The list may not be complete but it is very thorough, and probably the best you will find for literature on the topic published before the age of Google. It was curated by Sandy Purcell and maintained as a resource in the original Xylella fastidiosa website. We suggest you use the ‘Find’ tool to navigate the list. Keep in mind that X. fastidiosa was not called X. fastidiosa until 1987.

download PDF

A link to PubMed should be useful for users interested in recent publications. Keep in mind that PubMed does not go ‘far back’ (you are searching for ‘Xylella fastidiosa’ and only major journals are indexed).

search PubMed

Google Scholar is a bit different, and the query may yield things like work that has not been published in peer-reviewed journals.

search Google

The Pierce’s disease research program in California has funded a lot of very good science, and all of that is reported in annual proceedings since 2001. This is a great resource to learn about some of what has been done in the USA during the last decade – if you had money from the program, you had to submit a report. The site is maintained by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and includes one PDF to be downloaded for each year. The only comment here is that the reports are not peer-reviewed, and a proportion of the work has not or will not ever be published in peer-reviewed journals, for various reasons. However, it includes a LOT of negative results, including lots of ideas to control X. fastidiosa that were rigorously tested but yielded no successful results. If you are interested in testing ideas on how to ‘kill’ X. fastidiosa or ‘cure’ infected plants, you must read these pages to learn what has been done already to avoid reinventing the wheel.

view CDFA proceedings

A good resource to understand various factors affecting the current X. fastidiosa epidemic in Italy is the blog maintained by Thomas Simpson.

read the blog

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also has very good resources, including a thorough risk assessment analysis and a comprehensive list of X. fastidiosa host plants.

read more