and web products:
49. Elgueta, M., Arias, E. and Will, K.W. 2008. Curculionoidea (Coleoptera) en follaje de arboles del centro-sur de Chile. 177-200. in Llorente, J. E. & A. Lanteri (Eds.), Contribuciones Taxonómicas en órdenes de Insectos Hiperdiversos. México, D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
48. [PDF] Will, K.W. 2008. A new species of Loxandrus LeConte (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Loxandrini) from South America. Annals of Carnegie Museum. 77(1)205-210.
47. [PDF] Will, K.W. and Gill, A.S. 2008. Phylogeny and classification of Hypherpes auctorum (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini: Pterostichus). Annals of Carnegie Museum. 77(1)93-127.
46. [PDF] Will, K.W. and Park, J.K. 2008. A new species of the oriental Abacetine genus Metabacetus Bates, 1892 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and a key to the species of the genus. The Coleopterists Bulletin. 62(2)189-196.
45. [PDF] Park, J.K. and Will, K.W. 2008. The first records of Zuphiini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from New Caledonia; A new genus and two new species. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 52(2): 99-104.
44. Will, K.W. and Resh, V.H. 2008. Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary adaptations of aquatic insects. Chapter 8. pp. 139-156. in An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America. 4th edition. Eds. R.W. Merritt and K.W. Cummins.
43. [PDF] Will, K.W. 2007. Four new species of the subgenus Leptoferonia Casey (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichus Bonelli) from California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 58(4)49-57.
42. [PDF] Attygalle, A.B, Wu, X. and Will, K.W. 2007. Biosynthesis of tiglic, ethacrylic, and 2-methylbutyric acids in a carabid beetle, Pterostichus (Hypherpes) californicus. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 33:963-970.
41. [PDF] Rubinoff, D., Cameron, S. and Will, K.W. 2006. A genomic perspective on the shortcomings of mitochondrial DNA for barcoding. Journal of Heredity. 97(6)581-594.
40. [PDF] Park, J. K., Dam, H.T and Will, K.W. 2006. Carabidae from Vietnam (Coleoptera). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 9(2):1-61.
39. [PDF] Cameron, S. Rubinoff, D and Will, K.W. 2006. Who will actually use DNA barcoding and what will it cost? Systematic Biology. 55(5):844-847.
38. [PDF] Will, K.W. 2006. A new species of the New Caledonian genus Sphodrosomus Perroud (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 52(1) 281-285.
37. [PDF] Will, K.W. 2006. Book review: Evolution of the Insects. Grimaldi, D. and M. Engel. 2005. Bioscience 56(6):538-539.
36. [PDF] Rubinoff, D., Cameron, S. and Will, K.W. 2006. Are plant DNA barcodes a search for the Holy Grail? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21(1):1-2.
35. [PDF] Will, K.W. and Liebherr, J.K. 2005. Removal of Hannaphota distincta Landin (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Pterostichini to Platynini. The Coleopterists Bulletin. 59(4): 448-449.
34. [PDF] Will, K.W, Mishler, B.D. and Wheeler, Q.D. 2005. The perils of DNA barcoding and the need for integrative taxonomy. Systematic Biology. 54(5):844-851.
33. [PDF] Will, K.W. 2005. New tribal and generic placement for taxa of Pterostichini (auct.) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from the Juan Fern ndez Archipelago, Chile with taxonomic notes on Trirammatus Chaudoir, 1838. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 81(1/2):68-75.
32. [PDF] Will. K.W. 2005. The Neotropical genera Oxycrepis Reiche and Stolonis Motschulsky: a taxonomic review, key to the described species and description of new Stolonis species from Ecuador (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Loxandrini). Zootaxa. 1049:1-17.
31. [PDF] Will, K.W. 2005. Book review: The Types of Carabidae (Coleoptera) in the Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam, Predominantly the Collection "Oskar Vogt". A. de Boer. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 98(3):415.
30. [PDF] Will, K.W. 2005. Book review: The Genus Carabus in Europe. A Synthesis. by Turin, H., L. Penev & A. Casale (eds.). Coleopterists Bulletin. 59(2):403-404.
29. [PDF] Will, K.W., Liebherr, J.K., Maddison D.R. and Gali n, J. 2005. Absence asymmetry: the evolution of monorchid beetles (Insecta:Coleoptera: Carabidae). Journal of Morphology. 264:75-93.
28. [PDF] Will, K.W. 2004. A remarkable new species of Trirammatus Chaudoir (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini) from the Valdivian forest of Chile. Zootaxa. 758: 1-9.
27. [PDF] Will, K.W. 2005. New species of the South American loxandrine genus Metoncidus Bates (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia. 48(4):441-446.
26. [PDF]
Will, K.W. 2005. A new genus of Caelostomini (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
from Papua New Guinea. Coelopterist Bulletin. 58(4):637-641.
25. [PDF] Will, K.W. 2005. Review and cladistic analysis of the generic-level taxa of Morionini Brull (Coleoptera: Carabidae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 79(3/4):212-229.
24. [PDF] Arndt, E., Beutel, R.G. and Will, K.W. 2005. 7.8. Carabidae Latreille, 1802. in Handbook of Zoology, Vol. IV Arthropoda: Insecta (series ed. By N.P. Kristensen and R.G. Beutel). Part 38. Coleoptera, Vol. 1: Morphology and Systematics (Archostemata, Adephaga, Myxophaga, Polyphaga (partim) (vol. ed. by R.G. Beutel and R.A.B. Leschen). Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, New York.
23. Will, K.W. 2004. Interactive Lucid and Lucid Phoenix keys to the genera of Morionini.
22. [PDF] Will, K. W., and Rubinoff, D. 2004. Myth of the molecule: DNA barcodes for species cannot replace morphology for identification and classification. Cladistics 20: 47-55.
21. [PDF] Attygalle, A. B., Wu, X., Ruzicka, J., Rao, S., Garcia, S., Herath, K., Meinwald, J., Maddison, D. R. and Will, K.W. 2004. Defensive chemicals of two species of Trachypachus Motschulski. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30: 577-588.
20. [PDF] Will, K. W. 2003. Insects as research tools. In V. H. Resh and R. T. Card [eds.], Encyclopedia of Insects. Academic Press, pp. 1000-1002.
19. [PDF] Will, K. W. 2002. Revision of the new world abariform genera Neotalus n.gen. and Abaris Dejean (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini (auctorum). Annals of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History 71:143-213.
18. [PDF]
Will, K. W. 2002. Review of: Larochelle, A. and Lariviere. Carabidae
(Insecta: Coleoptera) catalogue. The Coleopterists Bulletin 56(2):317-318.
17. [PDF] Will, K. W. and Liebherr, J. K. 2002. A new tribal placement for Glyptolenus mirabilis (Straneo) (Coleoptera: Carabidae), comb. n., and description of G. straneoi, sp. n. from Ecuador. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 37:59-64.
16. [PDF] Will, K. W., Attygalle, A. B., and Herath, K. 2001. Erratum, new defensive chemical data for ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae): interpretations in a phylogenetic framework. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 73:167.
15. [PDF] Will, K. W. 2001. A new species of Harpalus Latreille (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from southeastern North America. The Coleopterists Bulletin 55(4):447-452.
14. [PDF] Will, K. W., Attygalle, A. B., and Herath, K. 2000. New defensive chemical data for ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae): interpretations in a phylogenetic framework. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society: 71:459-481.
13. [PDF] Marshall, C. J. and Will, K. W. 2000. Should type specimens of insects, indigenous to one country but housed in another, be returned to their country of origin? -Background Statement. In: ed. L. L. Allee, International Issues in Entomology: A Student Debate. American Entomologist 46(3):166-167.
12. [PDF] Will, K. W. 1999. Systematics and zoogeography of the genus Lophoglossus LeConte (Coleoptera Carabidae Pterostichini). In: Zamotajlov, A. & Sciaky, R. Advances in Carabidology. Papers dedicated to the memory of Prof. Dr. Oleg L. Kryzhanovskij. Millenium Series. Entomology No. 1. MUISO Publishers, Krasnodar. Pp. 259-276.
11. [PDF] Will, K. W. 1998. Oviposition behavior in Dromius piceus Dejean (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Lebiini). Fabreries 23(3-4):120-123.
10. [PDF] Will, K. W. 1998. A new species of Diplocheila Brulle from North America, with notes on female reproductive tract characters in selected Licinini and implications for evolution of the subgenus Isorembus Jeannel (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Licinini). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 100(1):95-103.
9. [PDF] Liebherr, J. K. and Will, K. W. 1998. Inferring phylogenetic relationships within Carabidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) from characters of the female reproductive tract. In: Ball, G.E., Casale, A., Tagilianti, A., eds. Phylogeny and Classification of Caraboidea (Coleoptera: Adephaga), dal Bolletinno del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali - Torino, ATTI. Pp. 107-170.
8. [PDF] Samuelson, G. A., Liebherr, J. K., and Will, K. W. 1997. Gnathaphanus picipes, an established adventive in Hawaii (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 49(2):22-23.
7. [PDF] Will, K. W. and Liebherr, J. K. 1997. New and little known species of Loxandrus LeConte 1852 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from North and South America. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 32(4):230-238.
6. [PDF] Will, K. W. 1997. Review of the species of the subgenus Megapangus Casey (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini: Harpalus (Latreille). The Coleopterists Bulletin 51(1):43-51.
5. [PDF] Liebherr, J. K. and Will, K. W. 1996. A new Pseudomorpha Kirby (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pseudomorphini) from the Sierra de los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 98:53-58.
4. [PDF] Liebherr, J. K. and Will, K. W. 1996. New North American Platynus Bonelli (Coleoptera: Carabidae), a key to species north of Mexico and notes on species from the southwestern United States. The Coleopterists Bulletin 50(4):301-320.
3. [PDF] Will, K. W., Purrington, F. F., and Horn, D. J. 1995. Ground beetles of islands in the western basin of Lake Erie and the adjacent mainland (Coleoptera: Carabidae, including Cicindelini). The Great Lakes Entomologist 28(1):55-70.
2. [PDF] Will, K. W. 1995. Overwintering of Pollenia rudis (Dipter: Calliphoridae). Entomological News, Vol. 106(4):177.
1. [PDF] Will, K. W. 1995. Plecoptera surface-skimming and insect flight evolution. Science 270(5242):1684-1685.