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Here are a few research and fun stories.
Cydia spp. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Hawaii. Although 13 species are currently recognized, there are likely many more species to be described. Less than half of the described species have known host plants. Caterpillars generally feed within seeds of leguminous plants, or in galls, under bark, or in terminal twigs of plants.
Parasitoids of Cydia. Caterpillars inhabiting the seeds of mamane trees (Fabaceae: Sophora chrysophylla) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island are parasitized by at least four wasp species (see Brenner et al. 2002. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 78(2):101-109). Eggs are layed on or into developing caterpillar. The wasp larvae consume the live caterpillar until they finish their development at which point the caterpillar's vital organs are consumed and it dies.
Linepithema humilis (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) queen and worker. "Argentine ants" are native to the floodplain regions of South America, but have become major pests on several continents. Queens are flightless and form new subcolonies by "budding." Mating and cooperation among colonies has led to the formation of supercolonies often hundred of miles long. Argentine ants are one of several pest ant species that have invaded Hawaii. Hawaii {probably} has no native ants.
Hawaiian Insects. Here are some of insects that are unique to Hawaii, both in terms of distribution and biology. Includes predatory Eupithecia caterpillars, koa bug, wekiu bug, Hylaeus yellow-faced bees, and Plagithmysus long-horned beetles.
Here are some pictures of Hawaiian landscapes.

Moths of the Society Islands, French Polynesia. Moths were collected mostly by UV lighting, particularly on the islands of Tahiti, Moorea, and Raiatea from September to November 2002.

Moorea Island, Society Islands, French Polynesia (south Pacific Ocean). I spent 10 weeks as a Graduate Student Instructor for the Biology & Geomorphology of Tropical Islands class from UC Berkeley at the Gump Research Station on the Island of Moorea. Here are a few photographs.
Costa Rica, Central America. Here are a few photos of my trip to Costa Rica in March 2004.
England. Here are a few photos of my trip to England in September 2004.
My dog, Willie. Born somewhere in the Puna District of the Big Island of Hawaii sometime around November 1996.