Amy Van Scoyoc
Ph.D. CandidateView all Current Group Members, Graduate Students

Office: 210 Wellman
B.A. Dartmouth College, 2013
Research Interests
I am fascinated by the influence of large predators on ecosystem processes. I am broadly interested in how land use change and trophic disturbance impact wildlife movement and behavior. What are the evolutionary consequences for migratory species in human-dominated and fragmented landscapes? How do animals move between protected areas? How can we improve ecosystem health and reduce human-wildlife conflict within altered landscapes? These are the types of questions that drive my work at the nexus of development and conservation.
Before joining the Brashares lab, I managed the Data Analytics & IT Department at Earthwatch Institute, where I led initiatives to engage corporate stakeholders and volunteers in ecology field research. I graduated from Dartmouth College with a B.A. in Ecology.