Group News A wrap-up of Mitchell Serota's field work in Patagonia 15-05-2023 Over the fall, Brashares Lab member Mitchell Serota, went down to southern Patagonia for a field season. Mitch is particularly Life as a postdoc & Phoebe Parker-Shames' current research 10-04-2023 How does it feel being a postdoc and what have you been doing during your time as a postdoc? It Kendall Calhoun named 2023 Smith Program Fellow 29-03-2023 Congratulations to Brashares lab member Kendall Calhoun for receiving the 2023 Smith Program postdoctoral Fellowship! Welcoming a new member of Brashares’s Lab! 08-02-2023 Coming from the other side of the world, Sheherazade, shortly called as Shera, joined the lab, and starting her PhD Congratulations to lab member Dave Kurz on his Graduate Symposium Spotlight! 26-05-2020 Congratulations to Brashares lab member Dave Kurz on his graduate symposium spotlight! Check out the summary of Dave’s recent work New paper on the ecology of carnivore-livestock conflict 26-05-2020 A recent paper led by Ph.D candidate and Brashares Lab member Christine Wilkinson explores how reducing encounters between domestic prey Climate change, atmospheric rivers, and wildfire 18-11-2019 Check out this recent article by Kendall Calhoun, PhD Candidate in the Brashares Group, published in Bay Nature last week! Bearded Pig Conservation in Borneo: Understanding a legacy of coexistence 15-10-2019 Wildlife conservation work on the ground often leads us to the realization that conservation challenges - and solutions - are Recent talk by Phoebe Parker-Shames on monitoring Cannabis farms and Wildlife 25-09-2019 In this recent talk, Phoebe Parker-Shames, PhD Candidate in the Brashares Lab, presents preliminary results on the influence of cannabis farms Hydropower, rivers, and people: a recent TEDx talk by Brashares Group member Jessie Moravek 15-08-2019 Hydropower is a renewable resource, but that does not make it sustainable. In this TEDx talk, PhD Student and Brashares Mapping Human-Carnivore Conflict: A multidisciplinary method 25-11-2018 PhD Candidate, Christine Wilkinson, shares her experiences with her participatory research on human-carnivore conflict risk perception in Kenya. Update from the Field: Phoebe Parker-Shames 08-10-2018 Catching change on camera: A recent update with PhD Candidate, Phoebe Parker-Shames, about her work on wildlife movement in Oregon. 1 2 3 Next »