Christine Wilkinson
Ph.D. AlumView all Alumni, Graduate Students

Office: 130 Mulford Hall
B.S. Cornell University
Research Interests
My research interests include multidisciplinary mapping, human-wildlife conflict, carnivore movement ecology, and participatory methods. For my current research, I am using remote sensing and GIS analyses in conjunction with participatory mapping to understand landscape permeability for carnivores, the dynamics of livestock predation instances and perceived human-hyena conflict risk, and the intersection between human and carnivore resource needs in and around Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya.
Before attending UC Berkeley, I spent several years working in conservation biology and natural resource management around the USA and in East Africa. I was also an informal educator, piloting and implementing programs for teens and young adults at the California Academy of Sciences and in Uganda. My experiences as an educator have developed in me a passion for conducting applied participatory research and for empowering community-created solutions to pressing conservation challenges.