Dave Kurz
Ph.D. CandidateView all Alumni, Graduate Students

Email: david.kurz@berkeley.edu
Office: 210 Wellman
ResearchGate: https://www.
M.Phil. University of Cambridge, 2015
A.B. Princeton University, 2012
Research Interests
I have broad interests in movement ecology, conservation biology, wildlife ecology & management, and agroecology. For my dissertation research, I am using GPS tracking technology and landscape genetics techniques to study the patterns & implications of bearded pig movements in fragmented forest-oil palm mosaics and continuous primary forests in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. I hope to discover: (a) the effect of habitat fragmentation on bearded pig migratory and/or nomadic movements; (b) habitat use of bearded pigs in mixed forest-oil palm landscapes; and (c) the key habitats required for effective bearded pig conservation in Sabah.
Prior to coming to UC Berkeley, I researched the influence of agricultural landscapes on reptile and amphibian assemblages in Costa Rica, as well as the effect of oil palm management on frog diversity and diet in Sumatra, Indonesia. I also have experience in Christian ministry, and have a passion for dialogues at the intersection of theology, faith, culture, and conservation.