Kaitlyn Gaynor
Ph.D. AlumnaeView all Alumni, Graduate Students

Email: kgaynor@berkeley.edu
Office: 210 Wellman
B.A. Columbia University, 2010
Research Interests
I am broadly interested in the ways in which humans and wildlife interact in shared spaces. My dissertation research incorporates concepts from behavioral, community, and landscape ecology to understand how large mammals respond to human activity at multiple scales. I am interested in how altered patterns of anti-predator behavior, habitat selection, and movement influence individual fitness and population dynamics and shape species interactions within communities. I am conducting my dissertation research in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, where both wildlife and human populations are rapidly growing and coming into greater contact. By examining how large mammals adjust their behavior in the presence of humans, I hope to shed light on potential challenges and strategies for wildlife conservation in mixed-use landscapes.
Prior to joining the Brashares Group, I studied the behavioral ecology of organisms ranging from microscopic Caribbean snapping shrimp to African forest guenons. I graduated from Columbia University with a B.A. in Environmental Biology and Evolutionary Biology of the Human Species.