Lindsey Rich
Postdoctoral ResearcherView all Alumni, Postdocs

Office: 6 Mulford Hall
Ph.D. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Sept 2016
M.S. University of Montana, Missoula, MT, Dec 2010
B.S. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO May 2005
Research Interests
My research focuses on addressing conservation or management challenges at the population, community, and landscape levels. Specifically, I collect wildlife data using an array of field techniques (e.g., public surveys, camera traps, radiotelemetry) and employ novel, quantitative approaches to assess this data and address questions pertaining to population dynamics and community ecology. For my M.S. research, I worked closely with the state agency to develop an occupancy model, using information from annual surveys of >50,000 deer and elk hunters, that estimated statewide distributions of wolf packs in Montana. My doctoral research expanded to a multispecies approach where I employed a large scale camera trapping survey and advanced analytical techniques to evaluate the densities, distributions, and ecology of wildlife communities in northern Botswana. Currently, I am co-advised by Justin Brashares and Steve Beissinger and work in collaboration with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. My postdoctoral research is focused on 1) estimating and evaluating the distributions of mammals, birds, and bats in the Great Valley and Mojave Desert ecoregions of California and 2) developing recommendations for a statewide biodiversity monitoring approach.
Rich, L.N., Davis, C., Farris, Z.J., Miller, D.A.W., Tucker, J.M., et al. In press. Assessing global patterns in mammalian carnivore occupancy and richness by integrating local camera trap surveys. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
Winterbach, C.W., Maude, G., Neo-Mahupeleng, G., Klein, R., Boast, L., Rich, L.N. & M.J. Somers. In press. Conservation implications of brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) population densities and distribution across landscapes in Botswana. Koedoe.
Steenweg, R., Hebblewhite, M., Kays, R., Ahumada, J., Fisher, J.T., Burton, C., Towsend, S.E., Carbone, C., Rowcliffe, J.M., Whittington, J., Brodie, J., Royle, J.A., Switalski, A., Clevenger, A.P., Heim, N. & L.N. Rich. 2017. Scaling up camera traps – monitoring the planet’s biodiversity with networks of remote sensors. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 15:26-34.
Rich, L. N., Miller, D.A.W., Robinson, H.S., McNutt, J.W. & M.J. Kelly. 2016. Using camera trapping and hierarchical occupancy modeling to evaluate the spatial ecology of an African mammal community. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:1225-1235.
Rich, L.N., Kelly, M.J., Miller, D.A.W., McNutt, J.W. & H.S. Robinson. 2016. Occupancy and range extension of the Cape fox in northern Botswana. Canid Biology & Conservation 19:21-24.
Rich, L.N., Kelly, M.J., Sollmann, R., Noss, A.J., Maffei, L., Arispe, R.L., Paviolo, A., De Angelo, C.D., Di Blanco, Y.E. & M.S. Di Bitetti. 2014. Comparing capture-recapture, mark-resight and spatial mark-resight models for estimating puma densities via camera traps. Journal of Mammalogy 95:382-391.
Monterroso, P.S., Rich, L.N., Serronha, A., Ferreras, P. & P.C. Alves. 2014. Efficiency of hair snares and camera traps to survey mesocarnivore populations. European Journal of Wildlife Research 60:279-289.
Ausband, D.E., Rich, L.N., Glenn, E.M., Mitchell, M.S., Zager, P., Mack, C.M., Miller, D.A.W. & B. Ackerman. 2014. Monitoring wolf populations using multiple survey techniques. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:335-346.
Rich, L.N., Russell, R.E., Glenn, E.M., Mitchell, M.S., Gude, J.A., Podruzny, K.M., Sime, C.A., Laudon, K., Ausband, D.E. & J.D. Nichols. 2013. Estimating occupancy and predicting numbers of gray wolf packs in Montana using hunter surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1280-1289.
Miller, D.A.W., Nichols, J.D., Gude, J.A., Rich, L.N., Podruzny, K., Hines, J.E. & M.S. Mitchell. 2013. Determining occurrence dynamics when false positives occur: estimating the range dynamics of wolves from public survey data. PLoS One 8:e65808.
Rich, L.N., Mitchell, M.S., Gude, J.A. & C.A. Sime. 2012. Anthropogenic mortality, intraspecific competition, and prey availability influence territory sizes of wolves in Montana. Journal of Mammalogy 93:722-731.