Mitchell Serota
Ph.D. CandidateView all Current Group Members, Graduate Students

Research Interests
My research interests center around wildlife recovery in a changing world. For my dissertation, I’m unraveling the ecological outcomes of rewilding in Patagonia. In particular, I’m looking to understand the predator-prey dynamics of a recovering puma population and the influence of a novel resource pulse, Magellanic penguins. My approach integrates community ecology, animal movement and behavior, and social methods while utilizing tools like GPS tracking technology, camera traps, and stable isotopes.
Prior to starting my PhD, I worked in Mexico as a Natural Resource Conservation Volunteer with the Peace Corps. There, I worked with municipal and state governments officials and local farmers’ co-ops to conserve working landscapes and develop climate adaptation strategies. In addition, I completed my MSc in 2017 at Simon Fraser University where I studied the individual variation in life-history trade-offs of breeding birds.