Presenting and representing at the 2014 Ecological Society of America meeting

Ecologists past, present, and future descended on Sacramento in August for the 99th meeting of the Ecological Society of America. We were glad to see colleagues from near and far, and also to share our work in progress with lots of talks.  Carrie Levine shared Stand demography as an indicator of ecological resilience in an old-growth mixed conifer forest (ABSTRACT ). Maya Hayden presented Pioneer riparian tree seedling establishment in floodplain refugia is driven by interspecific competition in addition to water availability (ABSTRACT). Meanwhile, on the other side of the convention center, Stella Cousins presented Trees in transition: the role of standing dead trees in forest carbon dynamics with many thanks to incomparable coauthor John Sanders (ABSTRACT). But that’s not all: Joan Dudney also gave a great poster on Precipitation effects on plant composition in California rangelands (ABSTRACT) and John shared his and Natalie’s research in Understanding neighborhood effects on growth and competition in a temperate forest (ABSTRACT). Well done, everyone!