Fun day of science and re-connecting at the #BerkeleyFreshwater fall retreat

Our #BerkeleyFreshwater team came together today for our fall retreat, which included a mix of life updates, science, visioning, and re-connecting after the summer field season. A highlight was learning from biologists with the East Bay Regional Park District about monitoring aquatic habitats in the 74 #EastBayRegionalParks. Fun & important conversations with a great group!

Welcome to Mariska Obedzinski!

Mariska Obedzinski is a new grad student in the #BerkeleyFreshwater group, and will be co-advised by Ted and Stephanie. Mariska is a California Sea Grant Extension Specialist and has been leading a large-scale monitoring effort focused on endangered coho salmon in the Russian River. Mariska’s dissertation work will leverage the long-term monitoring data to explore the influence of hydroclimatic variation on coho distribution and abundance across years with different rainfall patterns.