Join Our Group

We are always interested in inquiries from potential undergraduates, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows with common research interests. Please contact me if you are interested in exploring one of these opportunities.


There are many opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved with our research, to conduct summer internships in the field, or to develop an honors thesis project. Undergrads may apply to work in our group through various UC Berkeley programs, including URAP, SPURBiology Scholar’s Program, IMSD, and MARC.

Graduate Students

Interested graduate students may apply to work with me through the graduate program of the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management. I encourage all potential students to get in touch with me prior to submitting an application to ESPM, so that we can discuss interests, potential projects, and funding options (e.g., NSF-GRFP, Delta Science Fellowship, and California Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship).

Post-doctoral Fellows

I am always interested in inquiries from potential postdocs; please contact me! There are several potential opportunities to fund a postdoc in my lab, including UC Berkeley’s Miller FellowshipUC’s President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship, NSF-PRFP, Smith Fellowship, and the Delta Science Fellowship Program, among others. I am also interested and willing to write grants with prospective post-docs, and happy to provide advice and feedback on grant applications.

Visiting Scholars

We enjoy hosting visiting scholars! If you have an idea for a short research stay, please send me an email describing your project and how you foresee yourself working with the group.