Class orientation and discussion on Monday, January 28, 2008, in 336 McCone at 4 p.m. Attendance of the 4-6 p.m. Monday meetings is required for all 3 credit students!

Module 1

What do we mean by "gem"? And where are they found in the earth?

(1a) Start the course materials here with: What is a gem?

(1b) Then go to: Where do gems form and where are they found?

===> LAB: What is a gem and where are gems found? - February 4, 2008

open book quiz on February 8, 2008 to check understanding of Module 1.

Module 2

How do we use understanding of crystals to identify gems?

(2a) Now: What is a crystal?

===>LAB: What is a crystal? - February 18th, 2008

(2b) and learn about How gems are identified

specific gravity, hardness, optical properties.

===> LAB: Gem identification - February 25, 2008

open book quiz on Friday February 29, 2008 on Module 2.

Module 3

Popular gems: their value, enhancement, and synthesis

(3a) Gems: Diamond and diamond imitations

===>LAB: Diamonds and diamond immitations - March 17, 2008

Mid Term (up to and including diamonds):

Midterm at 6 p.m.Location 365 McCone (near North Gate): DATE: March 19 at 6 p.m.

NOTE in your planning that Spring Break is the following week! (March 24-28) .

The midterm is 30 questions (multiple choice) long and you will have an hour to complete it.

If you have a class conflict OR a serious personal situation that prevents your taking the mid-term at these times, you should contact your TA in advance. If this is not possible, documentation of the reason for your absence will be required prior to a discussion of a possible make up time

Note: Use periods when you have little assigned reading to work on your papers. You are encouraged to get ahead on the reading, but note the dates of the quizzes.

Module 3 continued:

(3b) Color in minerals: basic science used to explain the origin of color in gems

(3c) Corundum: ruby and sapphire : asterism, heat treatment, diffusion etc.

(3d) Beryl varieties: emerald, aquamarine, morganite, goshenite, heliodor.

===> LAB: Color, corundum, and beryl - March 31, 2008

Module 4

Other popular gems, radioactivity in Gems, Inclusions in Gems

(4a) Topaz and gem modification by irradiation.

(4b) Zircon and radioactivity in gems.

(4c) Crysoberyl (cats eye, alexandrite), Rutile and Spinel

===> LAB: Topaz, zircon, crystoberyl etc. - April 14, 2008

open book quiz Friday April 18, 2008 on Modules 3 and 4

Module 5

Rock-forming Minerals as Gems

(5a) Quartz (amethyst, citrine, smoky quartz) and zoisite (tanzanite) .

(5b) Olivine (peridot), Cordierite (iolite), and Feldspars (moonstone, amazonite etc.)

(5c) Pyroxenes (spodumene, jadeite, nephrite, serpentine), Tourmaline and Gem garnets

Module 6

Precious Stones and Pearls

(6a) Lapis lazuli, Turquoise, Malachite and Azurite

(6b) Agate and Opals

(6c) Pearls and other organic gems

===> LAB: Olivine thorugh pearls, as above - April 21, 2008

open book quiz Friday, April 25, 2008 on Modules 5 and 6

FINAL The final exam will be offered during the exam period.