Environmental Sciences Major, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720-2922
Patina Mendez & Kurt Spreyer
Lara Roman & Seth Shonkoff
Hayden Wong
Comparative Spatial Analysis of Feeder Bus Networks in San Francisco & Hong Kong
Kellye Larsen
Energy Bill Breakdown: The Influence of Regional Temperature Variations & Construction Age on Energy Consumption
Ana Loera
The Prevalence of Energy Efficiency and PG&E Rebate Programs in Fruitvale, CA
Ryan McCarter
Building a Solar Water Heater Cost & Sizing Calculator: An Innovation Based on Hot-water
Consumption Models
Katharine Guan
Surface & Ambient Air Temperatures of Urban Ground Materials
Jim Gao
Spatial Optimization of Wind Turbines (Appendix)
Maybellene Gamboa
Home Range of Secretive Marsh Birds: California Black Rail & Virginia Rail
Stephanie Panlasigui
Choosy Crustaceans: Habitat Preferences of the Terrestrial Isopod, Armadillidium vulgare
Carmen Mosqueda
The Effects of Seasonal Drought on Fish Ecology in San Antonio Creek, CA
Clinton Cleveland
Using Stable Isotope Chemistry to Compare the Diets of Two Reclusive Rails
Bryson Marks
Presence of Ambystoma californiense within Pools of Varying Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity
Caroline Jablonicky
Temporal Partitioning of Carcasses by Mammalian Scavengers in Etosha National Park, Namibia
Yolonda Wright
Relating Recycling: Demographics, Attitudes, Knowledge and Recycling Behavior among UC
Berkeley Undergraduates
Punal Bhavsar
“Is it Worth Being Green? Green Business Transitions
Nicholas Garcia
Wireless Waste: Cell Phone Recycling Behavior of SF Bay Area Residents & Students
Jennifer Shen
Comparative Assessment of PLA & PET disposable plastics
Meghan Butler
Sustainable Composting Systems: An Organic Waste Management Solution
Nagi Suzuki
Arsenic in Aquifers: Bicarbonate Ions & the Adsorption of Inorganic Arsenic on Iron Oxide Minerals
Rose Whitson
The Importance of Being Gravelly: Lagunitas Creek Stream Bed Sediment in 1988 & 2011
Andrea Irons
Conserving Surface Water: Trees &emp; Drying Patterns in Alameda Creek, CA
Daphne Szutu
Seasonal Wind-driven Upwelling &emp; Phytoplankton Biomass in Central San Francisco Bay: 1990-2010 (Appendix)
Jayhee Chung
The Life History of the Invasive Green Crab (Carcinus maenas) in San Francisco Bay
Jimmy Dileo
Port of Oakland Particulate Matter Emissions & Incidence of Asthma in Bay Area Communities
Tanya Wenzel
Traditional Medicine Use Practices in Shirati, Tanzania
Sarah Jarjour
Vehicle Emissions and Cyclist Lung Function in Variable Traffic Conditions
Michael Young
Disparities in Birth Weight: The Interaction between Air Pollution and Poverty
Isabelle Chow
Effects of Floral Resource Availability on Anagyrus pseudococci, a California Vineyard
Parasitoid (Abstract only)
Jabari Brown
Growing Roses from Concrete: A Geochemical Survey of Oakland Soils to Determine Urban Garden Suitability
Johnny Sanvichith
Do Gardens Make You Green? Home Gardens, Identity, & Pro-Environmental Behavior Among Southeast Asian American College Students
Artin Laleian
Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals in Dredged Material from San Pablo Bay, CA
Breanna Baraff
Genetic Diversity & Distribution of Grapevine Leafroll- Associated Virus in California
Erica Fong
Application of Low-Temperature Produced Biochar on Plant Growth in Californian Alfisol Soil
Priscilla Yung
Expanding the Realm of Food Security: Electronic Benefit Transfer use in Farmers' Markets in
the East Bay, CA
Christina Cheng
Cleaning up the Oil: Organizations' Rationales for Dispersant Usage in the Gulf Coast Oil Spill
Robin Katz
Who Speaks for the Bees? Narratives of Pollinator Protection in Public Policy
Jose Lopez
Community Organizers Not Activists: Responding to the Social & Environmental Justice Movement
Sylvia Chang
Institutional Discourses on Plastic Pollution in the North Pacific Gyre
Emma Tome
Managing Maps, Making Territory: GIS & Karuk Eco-Cultural Resource Sovereignty
Ya-Ting Chen
From Vanilla to Chocolate: Contributions of Prevalent Tropical Crops to an Ozone Depleting
Sophie You
Assessing Sampling Plot Shape and Size on Measures of Tropical Forest Diversity: A Simulation Study
Lev Stefanovich
Effects of Floral Resource Quality on Bombus vosnesenskii Foraging Behavior
Evan Portier
The Curious Case of Perennial Pepperweed: Nitrogen Dynamics in a Pepperweed Invaded Pasture
Melanie Montes
Protein-protein Interactions of ULTRAPETALA1, a Trithorax Group Protein in Arabidopsis thaliana
Amanda Carlson
Effects of Grazing on Native Plant Abundance and Diversity in a California Grassland Invaded by Phalaris aquatica
These studies were undertaken by seniors in the Environmental Sciences Group Major, an Interdisciplinary Studies program administered by the College of Letters and Sciences and the College of Natural Resources at the University of California at Berkeley. The Environmental Sciences major allows students to concentrate in one of three fields of specialization: biological science, physical science, and social science. In their senior year, students in the major participate in a two-semester Senior Research Seminar, investigating an environmental topic of current concern. This project gives the students experience in field work, general research techniques, and oral and written presentation of research results. This volume is the compilation of research reports from the Fall 2010 to Spring 2011 Senior Research Seminars.