Author: Stefania Mambelli
Summer 2020 – Roxy finished her PhD and she is now a postdoc with Ben Blonder at UCB
Summer 2019 – Claire finished her PhD and she is now a postdoc at Stanford University
Summer 2019 – Clarissa finished her PhD and she is now back home in Brazil
September 2018 – Dr. Suzanne Pierre joins lab
Dr. Suzanne Pierre (Presidential Postdoctoral Research Fellow) joins lab
January to July 2017 – Todd on sabbatical at ETH, Zurich
October 2016 – NPR “All things considered” about our redwood research
The story on our redwood research run on NPR “All things considered” on October 27th, 2016
March 2016 – New BORR Campus Open
The new Blue Oak Ranch Reserve campus is now officially OPEN. Check out the new website for the reserve and all of the information you’ll need to come visit!
October 2015 – On redwoods, fog and nitrogen
A study from Dawson lab and collaborators on the role of fog as a source of nitrogen for redwood trees is now out in “Journal of Ecology” and it has been chosen as “Editor’s Choice” for this special issue of the journal. See link:
Summer 2015 – Studying Giant Sequoia responses to drought
Anthony, Wendy and Todd are trying to get a better understanding of how Giant Sequoia trees in the Sierra Nevada respond to severe drought. Check this out at
And you can find more recent media coverage here:
LA Times: