ESPM 112 +Lab: Microbial Ecology/ Microbial Metagenomic Data Analysis Lab

Introduction to the ecology of microorganisms. Topics include the ecology and evolution of microbes and their relationship with each other and the environment. The role and function of microbes in several ecosystems is also discussed.

We will teach students how to perform genome-resolved metagenomics. We will start with raw data in the form of DNA sequencing reads, assemble the data, reconstruct genomes for coexisting organisms, evaluate overall community composition (which organisms are present and at what abundance levels), predict metabolic capacities, calculate growth rates, and investigate changes in the community over time. Working in pairs, the students will analyze real, unpublished data, identify an interesting question and investigate it. Evaluation is based on a final presentation of research findings.

Course Semester: 
Spring 2025
Course Type: 
Course Units: