How can I prepare my family for a wildfire and possible evacuation?

There are many resources available through your local community, including your local FireSafe Council.  Some resources include:

  1. Step one! Connect with your local FireSafe Council:
  2. Wildfire & Emergency “Go Kit”
  3. Create a Wildfire Action Plan:
  4. Create an Evacuation Checklist:
  5. Plan Your Evacuation:
  6. Family Communication Plan:
  7. Prepare Your Family & Practice:
  8. Register for your local emergency warning alert system:
  9. Develop an Evacuation Route, including Options and have maps in your Go Kit:
  10. Monitor your access roads to ID the best evacuation routes:
  11. Consider buying a GMRS Emergency Radio:
How can I prepare my family for a wildfire and possible evacuation?