Erica Bree Rosenblum
Professor of Global Change Biology
Allison Byrne
Evolutionary history of host-pathogen interactions, amphibian conservation.
Alex Mauro
Rapid adaptation, behavior, and plasticity.
Telma Laurentino
Postdoc (Swiss NSF Fellow)
Genomics of convergent evolution.
Sarah Wenner
PhD student
Conservation genetics & genomics with a focus on endangered frogs in California.
Maggie Grundler
PhD student
Evolution of dietary specialization and ecological speciation in reptiles and amphibians.
Clay Noss
PhD student
Evolutionary ecology of White Sands lizards.
Many wonderful undergraduates!
Molly Womack
Postdoc (NSF Fellow)
Convergent evolution, specifically ecological pressures and developmental constraints that shape similar phenotypes in different species.
(Currently faculty at Utah State)
Max Lambert
Postdoc (NSF Fellow)
Evolution and ecology in novel environments, particularly cities and suburbs, and the role of sex as both a driver and target of evolution.
(Currently Research Manager at WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife)
Obed Hernandez-Gomez
Postdoc (NSF Fellow)
Microbial ecology of amphibian skin; eco-evolutionary processes linking amphibian hosts, cutaneous microbial symbionts, and pathogens.
(Currently faculty at Dominican)
Thomas Jenkinson
Postdoc (NSF Fellow)
Evolutionary genomics and invasion history of amphibian chytrid.
(Currently postdoc at Davis)
Andrew Rothstein
PhD student
Conservation genetics and genomics with a focus on endangered frogs in California.
(Currently working in industry)
Karina Klonoski
PhD student
Mechanisms underlying adaptive coloration in Madagascar's amphibians, from genomic to ecological levels
(Currently working in industry)
Allison Byrne
PhD student
Spatial and temporal variation in chytrid virulence and spread, evolutionary history of host-pathogen interactions, amphibian conservation.
(Currently postdoc at Berkeley)
Alex Gunderson
Postdoc (NSF Fellow)
Physiological and evolutionary ecology, focused on adaptation to abiotic environments and the consequences of global change.
(Currently faculty at Tulane)
Lucy Tran
Postdoc (NSF Fellow)
Causes and consequences of evolutionary radiations; genomic and phenotypic divergence in novel environments.
(Currently working in industry)
Rebecca Calisi
Former Postdoc (President's Fellow)
Neurobiology underlying mate choice and mechanisms of speciation in White Sands lizards.
(Currently faculty at UC Davis)
Christopher Martin
Former Postdoc (Miller Fellow)
Evolution and ecology of adaptive radiation in Caribbean pupfishes and Cameroon crater lake cichlids.
(Currently faculty at UC Berkeley)
Gideon Bradburd
Former Postdoc
Causes and consequences of spatial and temporal patterns of genetic variation.
(Currently faculty at Michigan State University)
Jeanine Refsnider
Former Postdoc (NSF Fellow)
Mechanisms underlying species’ responses to environmental change, including work on the genomics of host-pathogen dynamics in frogs and chytrid.
(Currently faculty at University of Toledo)
Jamie Voyles
Former Postdoc
Chytrid pathogenesis and amphibian declines
(Currently faculty at University of Nevada, Reno)
Christine Parent
Former Postdoc
Diversification in lineages exposed to novel environments
(Currently faculty at University of Idaho)
Jeanne Robertson
Former Postdoc
Sexual selection in White Sands lizards
(Currently faculty at California State University Northridge)
Suzanne Joneson
Former Postdoc
Comparative genomics of chytrid fungi
(Currently faculty at University of Wisconsin)
Eveline Diepeveen
Former Postdoc
Genetic mechanisms of adaptive evolution in White Sands lizards using comparative population genomics.
(Currently postdoc at Max Planck Institute)
Simone Des Roches
Former PhD student
Ecological release in White Sands lizards
(Currently postdoc at UC Santa Cruz)
Kayla Hardwick
Former PhD student
Natural and sexual selection in White Sands lizards
(Currently postdoc at Reed College)
Thomas Poorten
Former PhD student
Frog-chytrid host-pathogen interactions.
(Currently postdoc at UC Davis)
Alex Krohn
PhD student
Convergent evolution, coloration, and population genetics of lava flow reptiles and conservation genetics in threatened taxa.
(Currently staff at UC Santa Cruz)
Madeline Girard
PhD student
Sexual selection and signaling behavior, specifically exploring the role of female preferences in mating behavior and signal evolution in jumping spiders.
(Currently in training at California Institute of Integral Studies)
Many wonderful undergraduates including Karen Pohl, Rochelle Kelly, Sana Chintamen, Silvia Lopez, Jackie Howells, Ailene McPhearson, Mikki Brinkmeyer, Travis Morgan, Danelle Russell, Knut Hoversten, Brian Lohman, Shannon Torstrom, Isaiah Hoyer, Cara Leatherman, Kendall Calhoun, Abigail Warner.