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Rausser College of Natural Resources Travel Grant Application

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Rausser College of Natural Resources Conference Travel Grant Application - UPDATED for Spring 2025

The RCNR Travel Grant provides financial support to RCNR undergraduate students presenting their independent research projects at a conference.   For all travel related to conducting independent research, students must apply for a Student-Initiated SPUR Project. Awards are granted in the following amounts:

  • Up to $600 for travel and conference fees within California (excluding car rental and fuels costs for areas covered by a Student EasyPass)
  • Up to $800 for travel and conference fees within North America (excluding California)
  • Up to $1,200 for international travel and conference fees (excluding Canada & Mexico)

Application Periods
Application are reviewed and accepted on a rolling-basis and by no later than by 5pm on the day of the deadline.  Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Funds are limited and subject to availability.  Applica nts are encouraged to also apply for alternative funding sources such as the ASUC, Scholarship OfficeUndergraduate Research at Berkeley,  and/or through their faculty sponsor or mentor.

  • Fall Semester Applications Period: July 1st to October 31st
    • Travel must take place between the first day of the fall semester and the first day of the spring semester.
  • Spring Semester Application Period: November 1st to March 31st
    • Travel must take place between the first day of spring semester and the first day of Summer Session
  • Summer Session Applicaiton Period: April 1st to June 30th
    • Travel must take place between the last day of Summer Session and the first day of the fall semester

Applicant Eligibility - UPDATED for Spring 2025

  • Applicants must be an active and enrolled Rausser College undergraduate student
  • Applicants must be in good academic standing
  • Have not already received a RCNR Travel Grant

Travel Eligibility

  • Travel must be presenting independent research at a conference.  Proof of acceptance as a presenter at the conference is required.
  • Travel must take place while the undergraduate applicant is registered or continuing.  Travel may not take place after an applicant's graduation term or during a fall or spring term in which the applicant is not enrolled at UC Berkeley.
  • Recipient may not have received a previous conference travel grant from the College.

Eligible Expenses

  • Conference fees, airfare, rental cars, gas, accommodations, and meals during the conference.

Ineligible Expenses

  • Car rental and fuel costs to/from areas accessible by a Student EasyPass.

Application Materials
To apply, please submit the following materials documents at one PDF.

  1. Research Project Proposal that includes the project title, abstract, background, objectives, hypothesis, methods, timeline, results or expected results, and references, signed by your faculty sponsor.
  2. Conference Abstract Acceptance Notification  
  3. Travel Itinerary 
  4. Detailed Budget outlining travel expenses that has been reviewed and signed by your faculty sponsor.  Please use this template and include any outside funding sources secured or pending.

Please save your PDF as First & Last Name_ RCNR Travel Grant App_Term_Year (example: Ryann Madden_RCNR Travel Grant App__Fall 24)

Award Notifications
Applicants will receive a response from the Travel Grant Coordinator regarding their application within 10 business days of submission.

After Travel Responsibilities
All recipients must submit End-of-Term Report within one month of returning from their trip. These summaries may be given to the Travel Grant donor(s) upon request and/or used in Travel Grant-related communications. The Travel Grant would not be possible without the generosity and support of Rausser College alumni and friends.

What happens if I am unable to use my funds?
If you are unable to use your total or partial funds, you will be billed for the unused amount via CalCentral at the end of the term.  For more information, contact travelgrant.rcnr@berkeley.edu

By submitting this webform, you confirm that you understand the terms and conditions of the Travel Grant, that you agree to submit individual proposals, you will present at a Rausser College poster session in the time specified should your proposal be selected,  and that all information supplied in this application is correct and accurate.

As a reminder: Please save your PDF as First & Last Name_ RCNR Travel Grant App_Term_Year (example: Ryann Madden_RCNR Travel Grant App_Fall_23)
