Bombardier Beetles

  • Dr. Jong Kyun Park

    JK Park

    My major area of study is the systematics of Palaearctic Carabidae. My research focuses on geographic and phylogenetic work in Nearctic and Palaearctic areas. I am also interested in the taxonomic work of Carabidae from Vietnam and China.

  • Dr. Ainsley Seago

    Children's Book Illustrator
    Ainsley Seago

    Current status: revising Australian sogdine leiodids, describing new genera, identifying truffle beetles, preparing for Australian Beetles Vol. II.

  • Sameer Nayak


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  • Dr. Aman Gill


    I was a Visiting Professor in the Department of Mathematics & Science at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY, where I taught courses in ecology, evolution and sustainability science. My research addressed how urban land use affects the capacity of

  • Dr. Athula Attygalle


    Mass Spectrometry is a rapidly advancing scientific discipline with tremendous employment opportunities. Our aim is to provide most up-to-date teaching and frontier-level research programs to our students.

  • Dr. Tanya Renner

    Dr. Tanya Renner, PhD

    The Renner Lab explores evolutionary genetics and genomics, the effects of multi-species interactions on form and function and the evolution of defensive systems.

  • Dr. Wendy Moore

    Dr. Wendy Moore

    The Moore lab uses molecular genetic techniques and morphological methods to infer robust phylogenetic frameworks to identify and describe natural groups of terrestrial arthropods, to study their diversification and patterns of distribution, and to elucidate the ecological roles and the importance of key innovations that have significantly affected their evolutionary histories. Presently lab members are focusing efforts on lineages within the Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Myriapoda and Arachnida.

  • Dr. Kipling (Kip) Will

    Principal Investigator

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