ES 10: Course Information


ES 10 Introduction to Environmental Science
Spring 2003

Spring 2003, 3 units

Lecture, CC# 33703
MWF 9-10, 390 Hearst Mining

Professor James Bartolome,, ph 642-7945
Inez Fung,

Graduate Student Instructors
Kristin Baker (KB)
Terry DeBiase (TD)
Arielle Levine (AL)

Scheduled Additional Lecturers
Professors Jim Tucker (JT), Lynn Huntsinger (LH), Barbara Allen-Diaz (BAD), Per Palsboll (PP), John Battles (JJB), Allen Goldstein (AG), Randy Jackson (RJ), and Kristen Byrd (KBY)

Office Hours



Bartolome W&F 10:15-12 321 Hilgard Hall
Fung F 10:15-12 335 Hilgard Hall
Baker Tu 1-2, F 11-12, and by appointment 223 Mulford Hall
DeBiase W 2-4 222 Mulford Hall
Levine Th 11-1, and by appointment 343 Gianinni Hall

Text: Botkin, D.B. and E.A. Keller. 2003. Environmental Science: earth as a living planet. 4th Ed. John Wiley, NY. Textbook readings for each lecture are noted in lecture schedule. Additional readings will be distributed in discussion sections

Field Trip
On two Saturday mornings during the semester, we will take a tour of the Berkeley campus environment. Students are required to attend one of the two sessions.

Midterm I-20%
Midterm II-20%
Final exam-40%
Discussion section assignments-10%
Discussion section participation-10%

Additional References
1) Allaby, M. 1996. Basics of environmental science. Routledge Press. London.
2) Berner, E. and R.A. Berner. 1996. Global environment: water, air and geochemical cycles.
3) Begon, M., J.L. Harper, and C.R. Townsend. 1996. Ecology: individuals, populations, and communities. Blackwell Science, Oxford. 3rd. Ed.
4) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2001. IPCC third assessment report: climate change 2001. Cambridge Univ. Press.
5) Laing, D. 1991. The earth system: an introduction to environmental science. Brown, Dubuque.
6) Schlesinger, W.H. 1997. Biogeochemistry: an analysis of global change. Academic Press, NY 2nd Ed.
7) Task Group on Earth Sciences. 1988. Space science in the 21st century: imperatives for the decades 1995-2015. Mission to Planet Earth. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
8) Wilson, E.O. 1992. The diversity of life. Penguin Books, London.