ES 10: Links


Some interesting links you may wish to check out:

General Science Information

Government Information Resources about Science - gateway to scientific information from U.S. government agencies

Center for International Earth Science Information Network - Columbia University site dedicated to working at the intersection of social, natural, and informational sciences

Doctor Science - not just for kids?

Sudden Oak Death

California Oak Mortality Task Force

Monitoring Sudden Oak Death in California 

Online Media Packet: Sudden Oak Death

Human Population Growth

Population Reference Bureau--information on US and international population statistics and trends

United Nations Development Programme--information on sustainable human development

Zero Population Growth--an organization concerned with impacts of rapid population growth and wasteful consumption

Earth Science

Visible Earth
Earth Observatory

Current News

The New York Times Science Page check the lecture pages for links to specific articles pertaining to that lecture topic
The Chronicle Science Page
The National Enquirer: your unreliable source of information on Env. Science

Plate Tectonics good starting point for learning more about local faults and earthquakes here to learn more about the fault running through our very own campus, you can get up-to-date information on when/where earthquakes have occurred in the Bay Area during the last week...enjoy! plate tectonics animations and has a good history of plate tectonics pictures of different continental configurations, including future ones!!

Earthquakes - how to live with it in SF story of plate tectonics - Tanya Atwater - neat movies

Atmospheric circulation and Climate Change

NCAR/RAP weather - check out satellite, surface (contour plots), which show the various parameters that describe the weather for today. Low pressure systems are rainy, and high pressure systems have clear sky. Also, note the wind directions into lows versus highs.

Global Warming:

Chris Field report - Confronting Climate Change in California - Ecological Impacts on the Golden State

Wetlands and Watersheds, focusing on local area resources

U.S. EPA Surf Your Watershed: Find the watershed in which you live, get an environmental profile and information about population, land, and impaired waterbodies in the watershed.

San Francisco Bay Joint Venture The San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV) is a partnership of public agencies, environmental organizations, the business community, local governments, the agricultural community and landowners working cooperatively to protect, restore, increase and enhance wetlands and riparian habitat in the San Francisco Bay and adjoining watersheds

Access USGS - San Francisco Bay and Delta: This web site disseminates the USGS's multi-disciplinary information on the San Francisco Bay estuary and its watershed.

CERES (California Environmental Resources Evaluation System) California Wetlands Information System: This Wetlands Information System is designed to provide comprehensive wetlands information to the general public, the educational community, and government agencies. It is a compilation of public and private sector information, including maps, environmental documents, agency roles in wetlands management, restoration and mitigation activities, regulatory permitting, and wetland policies.

San Francisco Estuary Project: The S.F. Estuary Project is one of over 20 Estuary Projects established by the National Estuary Program to protect and improve the water quality and natural resources of estuaries nationwide. This organization was formed in 1987 as a cooperative federal/state/local program to promote effective management of the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary.

San Francisco Estuary Institute and San Francisco Bay Area EcoAtlas: The Bay Area EcoAtlas is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used to support local and regional environmental planning and management. It represents the integration of many kinds of information from numerous sources.

California Coastal Conservancy: The California Coastal Conservancy, a unique state resource agency established in 1976 by the Legislature, uses entrepreneurial techniques to purchase, protect, restore, and enhance coastal resources, and to provide access to the shore. They work in partnership with local governments, other public agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private landowners.

San Francisco BayKeeper: San Francisco BayKeeper fills the gap between Clean Water Act laws and real enforcement, protecting the health of San Francisco Bay, its tributary streams and major rivers. BayKeeper's leadership in targeting and stopping pollution has achieved local and national recognition. Advocating for better water quality regulations and working closely with understaffed agencies, BayKeeper reduces pollution through an innovative program that includes maintaining and improving federal, state, and local standards for water quality protection, conducting investigations that challenge polluters, and working to educate an active and informed public.

Society of Wetland Scientists: The Society of Wetland Scientists is a non-profit organization founded in 1980 to promote wetland science and the exchange of information related to wetlands. They have a set of web links that may be interesting and helpful.

NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP): C-CAP is a national effort to foster the development and distribution of regional landscape cover/change data in the coastal zone through remote sensing technology. C-CAP consists of guidelines and standards for developing digital, regional land cover and land cover change maps along the nation's coastal zone.

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: The Convention on Wetlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. There are presently 130 Contracting Parties to the Convention, with 1129 wetland sites, totaling 91.3 million hectares, designated for inclusion in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance.

Water Resources

Union of Concerned Scientists website has info on the impacts of climate change on water resources in CA.

California Department of Water Resources: The goals of the Department of Water Resources are to operate and maintain the State Water Resources Development Syystem, protect and restore the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, regulate dams and provide flood protection, and serve local water needs.

Water Resources Center Archives (WRCA) in O'Brien Hall: A part of the UC Berkeley library system, the WRCA is a tremedous archive of information on water. The WRCA hosts the California Colloquium on Water, a lecture series designed to increase the understanding and appreciation among students, faculty and the general public of water resources and to contribute to informed decisions about water in California. Schedule for Spring 2003

California Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Inventory--this has some great info on all sorts of agencies/industries that monitor water quality in CA--focus on Alameda and Contra Costa Counties

State Water Resources Control Board--a great source for regulations, laws, etc.

East Bay Municipal Utilities District--from whom those of you in the East Bay buy your water.

Natural Resources Defense Council(NRDC) - Environmental Guide to the San Francisco Bay Area: This section the NRDC's guide pertains to water in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Water Education Foundation: The mission of the Water Education Foundation is to create a better understanding of water issues, and to help resolve water resource problems through educational programs.

Cadillac Desert - the PBS documentary: Cadillac Desert is a four-part documentary based on the book by Marc Reisner about water, money, politics, and the transformation of nature. Winner of the duPont-Columbia Journalism Award, the series tells how Americans have used, abused, protected, controlled, fought over, and died for water.

Sierra Club - Restore Hetch Hetchy: The Sierra Club site provides some history on the Hetch Hetchy Valley and O'Shaughnessy Dam. They also provide a link to an organization whose mission is to "restore Hetch Hetchy."

UC's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR): DANR produces California Agriculture, which reports news and peer-reviewed research from DANR. Water resource issues are routinely featured within the journal.


Environmental Careers Organization (short-term, paid assignments as EPA, USGS, and elsewhere)

USJOBS- The listing of the federal government, full-time, temp, and other work at all federal agencies and some state agencies.

EJobs - A regional listing of governmental, research, consulting, and nonprofit organizations with an environmental component.

Environmental Career Opportunities - self-titled "#1 source of job vacancies in the environmental field"

Cyber-Sierra's Natural Resources Jobs section - clearing house of links to jobs and job sites

Environmental Career Center - listings for public and private employers