ES 10: Lectures



Click on lecture topic for handouts, links to relevant websites, and additional information.  PDF files require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, downloadable from

Date Lecturer Topic Text Reading Lecture Notes
22-Jan JB, IF Course Introduction

24-Jan JB, IF Environmental Science BK Ch 1&2

27-Jan JB Cosmology, earth history

29-Jan IF Origin of atmosphere and oceans

31-Jan JB Origins of early life BK Ch 7

3-Feb IF Paleoclimatology


Powerpoint presentation from lecture
5-Feb JB Evolution BK Ch 7

same handout as for 31-Jan
7-Feb JB Biodiversity, taxonomy BK Ch 7

same handout as for 31-Jan
10-Feb PP Conservation genetics

Outline from 2002

Presentation from 2002
12-Feb IF Earth's energy budget BK Ch 3


Powerpoint presentation from lecture
14-Feb IF Atmospheric circulation

handout (with color figures)

Powerpoint presentation from lecture


19-Feb IF Ocean circulation processes

handout (with color figures)

Powerpoint presentation from lecture
21-Feb JB Landscapes, ecosystems, and communities BK Ch 6

same as handout from 2002
24-Feb TD Hydrology, large scale processes BK Ch 20

26-Feb RJ Hydrology, watershed level processes BK Ch 21

 28-Feb JB More landscapes, ecosystems, and communitites; review for Mid-term BK Ch 6

 same as handout from 2002

First Mid-term Exam

5-Mar IF World climates


Powerpoint presentation from lecture
7-Mar JB Soil development BK Ch 12

10-Mar IF Global carbon cycle BK Ch 4


Powerpoint presentation from lecture
12-Mar JB Energy flow in ecosystems

carbon flow in a marine food web

carbon flow in a grassland ecosystem
14-Mar JB Terrestrial biomes BK Ch 8




17-Mar JB Terrestrial biomes, continued BK Ch 8
19-Mar AG Atmospheric Ozone BK Ch 25

21-Mar IF Global climate change

BK Ch 22


Powerpoint presentation from lecture


Spring break

31-Mar IF Remote sensing of resources

handout (with color figures)
2-Apr IF Applications of remote sensing

handout (with color figures)

Powerpoint presentation from lecture
4-Apr KBY Estuarine systems


Second Mid-term Exam

9-Apr JB Nitrogen cycle

handout - part 1

handout - part 2
11-Apr JB Evolution/biodiversity

handout - part 1

handout - part 2
14-Apr IF Marine fisheries BK Ch 14


Powerpoint presentation from lecture
16-Apr JB Biogeography, exotic species

18-Apr JJB Forestry BK Ch 13

Powerpoint presentation - part 1

Powerpoint - part 2

Powerpoint - part 3
21-Apr JB Environmental Economics BK Ch 26

23-Apr JB Wildlife

25-Apr JB Agriculture

handout - part 1

handout - part 2
28-Apr LH Pastoralism

handout - part 1

handout - part 2
30-Apr JB Human Population BK Ch 5

handout - part 1

handout - part 2
2-May IF Human Energy Use BK Ch 17&18

 handout (with color figures)

Powerpoint presentation from lecture
5-May AL Parks and Preserves

7-May AL African Pastoralists

9-May KB Pathogens/Insects/Biocontrol

Powerpoint presentation
12-May JB,IF Course summary




Early Final, 9am

Location: 132 Mulford


Final Examination, 8am

Location: F295 Haas

Key to lecturers

JB James Bartolome
IF Inez Fung
JJB John Battles
RJ Randy Jackson
LH Lynn Huntsinger
BAD Barbara Allen-Diaz
KB Kristin Baker
TD Terry DeBiase
AL Arielle Levine
KBY Kristin Byrd

Last Year's Lectures

2001 Lectures