- Fact sheets from the World Resources Institute for the media and
educators on The Skeptical Environmentalist
- Bjørn Lomborg's
personal website where he corrects some of the errors in
the book, and defends his case.
- Grist Magazine's "Something
is Rotten in the State of Denmark" is a series of articles
that refutes various chapters in The Skeptical Environmentalist.
- Economist
article with related stories
- http://www.anti-lomborg.com/
is a great clearinghouse of information on this issue. The website
was developed in response to Lomborg's original articles in the
United Kingdom's The Guardian.
- Colin Woodard's article, "The
Tabloid Environmentalist" describes how major media
was duped by Bjorn Lomborg. He also has a followup article "The
Shifty Environmentalist", which provides a good update
on the controvery surrounding Lomborg.
- Site in the Centre
for Social Science Research on the Environment, University
of Aarhus, where Danish scientists present arguments on why Bjørn
Lomborg's assertions are wrong.
- A site where Tom Burke's excellent analysis, "Ten
Pinches of Salt: A Reply to Bjørn Lomborg", can
be downloaded. Mr. Burke was previously adviser to several secretaries
of state of the environment of the United Kingdom.
- The Union
of Concerned Scientists has a series of essays by such eminent
scientists as like Dr. Peter Gleick, Dr. Edward O. Wilson, Dr.
Tom Lovejoy, Dr. Stuart L. Pimm, and Dr. Jeff Harvey.
Academic Journal Debate (most of these links provide Lomborg
comments that have not been edited)