Bay Area Conservation Biology Symposium The 16th

May 2015, UC Berkeley


Plenary Speakers

Keynote Speaker

Jodi Hilty

Dr. Hilty is a leading expert on connectivity and human-integrated conservation for over a decade. She wrote the first book on corridor ecology in 2006 and continued this line of research by working to identify and protect wildlife corridors as the director of the Wildlife Conservation Society's North America Program. Her leadership there has also expanded into three other important interdisciplinary research programs: integrating human dimensions and stakeholders into local conservation initatives, making natural resource extraction more wildlife-friendly, and addressing climate change.

Opening Speaker

Claire Kremen

Dr. Kremen is pioneering interdisciplinary research on using ecosystem services to achieve conservation in working landscapes. Her current research focuses on  pollination and pest control as ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. Her work investigates both the conservation value of diversified farming systems and the economic value of biodiversity, integrating across ecology and agronomy to find systems that are both wildlife-friendly and highly productive. She works with researchers at the Berkeley Food Institute to examine the social and economic factors that can make food systems equitable and environmentally friendly.