Aerial Photo of Hopland field site CKI group photo from All-Hands meeting, Dec 2019 Rainbow over Hopland field site Construction at Hopland field site Rina and Don with EPIC machine EPIC machine in Hopland shed Misty morning field work Installing labeling chambers Field plots roofing Labeling chambers going in Nameer in front of field plots Hopland field site Harvest day at Hopland field site Field site plots Field site plots collar installation Collars in the field plots Hammering on collar lids Don watching over field site Hopland Reserve Isotope labelling at Hopland field site Field plot collars divided into wedges Erin and harvested wedge Wedge on harvest day Hopland field site Christian getting ready to dig up a wedge Aaron running samples to the laboratory Mixed grassland roots Hopland field site Rina and Aaron at work in the field Maggie with labelling chamber Harvest processing at the Hopland Reserve lab Jack, David, Cynthia and Tas processing wedges Mary in the Hopland Reserve lab Oxford Tract Greenhouse EPIC labelling chambers in the greenhouse Microcosms inside labelling chambers Avena shoots growing in the greenhouse Fluorescent dyes being added to microcosm Microcosms in the greenhouse labeling chambers Rina driving up field supplies, including Ilexis! Sheep in field at Hopland Reserve Misty morning in the field 2019 Fires nearing hopland field site Hopland field site HREC new laboratory