Pett-Ridge, J., S. Shi, K. Estera-Molina, E.E. Nuccio, M. Yuan, R. Rijkers, T. Swenson, K. Zhalnina, T. Northen, J. Zhou, M.K. Firestone. 2020. Rhizosphere carbon turnover from cradle to grave: the role of microbe-plant interactions, in Rhizosphere Biology: Interactions with plants, V. Gupta & A.K. Sharma, Eds. Springer Nature Press. In press, expected Aug 2020.
Barnard, Romain, S Blazewicz, and M Firestone. 2020. Rewetting of soil: revisiting the origin of soil CO2 emissions. Soil Biol Biochem, Doi 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107819
Blazewicz, Steve, B Hungate, B Koch, E Nuccio, E Morrissey, E Brodie, E Schwartz, J Pett-Ridge, M Firestone. 2020. Taxon-Specific Microbial Growth and Mortality Patterns Reveal Distinct Temporal Population Responses to Rewetting in a California Grassland Soil. ISME J.
Nuccio, E.E., E. Starr, U. Karaoz, E.L. Brodie, J. Zhou, S. Tringe, R.R. Malmstrom, T. Woyke, J. Banfield, M.K. Firestone and J. Pett-Ridge. 2020. Niche differentiation is spatially and temporally regulated in the rhizosphere. ISME Journal 14: 999-1014
Fossum, Christina Anne. 2020. Allocation and dynamics of recently fixed plant carbon in a California rangeland soil. Master’s Thesis UC Berkeley.
Starr, E.P., E.E. Nuccio, J. Pett-Ridge, J.F. Banfield* and M.K. Firestone*. 2019. Metatranscriptomic reconstruction reveals RNA viruses with the potential to shape carbon cycling in the rhizosphere, detritosphere and bulk soil. PNAS 116: 25900-25908
“How phage and fauna (and fungi) shape the flow and fate of root carbon through microbial pathways” Jennifer Pett-Ridge
- Invited departmental seminar at Northwestern University Plant Biology and Conservation Program (May 2020)
“Rhizosphere-nitrogen Dynamics Through a Metratransciptomic Lens” Ella Sieradzki
- ISME Microseminar Virtual meeting (May 2020) Link
“A Root Runs Through It” Mary Firestone
- OrgN 2020. Monte Verita, Switzerland (Feb 2020)
“Cross-Kingdom Interactions: the Foundation for Nutrient Cycling in Grassland Soils” Javier Ceja-Navarro
- Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting Washington DC (Feb 2020)
- Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting Washington DC (Feb 2020)
“Cross-Kingdom Interactions: the Foundation for Nutrient Cycling in Grassland Soils” Joanne Emerson
- Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting Washington DC (Feb 2020)
“Microbial and Viral Niche-Differentiation in Time-Resolved Metatranscriptomes from Rhizosphere and Detritusphere Soil” Ella Sieradzki
- Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting Washington DC (Feb 2020)
“Death and decay in the soil microbiome: how viruses, microfauna and resource availability shape the fate of soil carbon” Jennifer Pett-Ridge
- American Geophysical Union 100th Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA (Dec 2020)
“Influence of Reduced Precipitation on the Allocation of Persistence of Root Carbon in a California Annual Grassland” Christina Fossum
- American Geophysical Union 100th Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA (Dec 2020)
“Comparative Metagenomics Reveals Nanoscale Soil Viral Communities in a CA Annual Grassland Soil” Alexa Nicolas
- American Geophysical Union 100th Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA (Dec 2020)
“Dynamic Carbon Association with Minerals in the Rhizosphere and Detritosphere” Rachel Neurath
- American Geophysical Union 100th Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA (Dec 2020)
“Cross Kingdom Interactions Shape the Soil Microbiome” Mary Firestone
- Soil Sciences Institute, Nanjing (Nov 2019)
- Zhejiang University, Hangzhoum (Nov 2019)
- RCEES. Beijin (Nov 2019)
- Peking University (Nov 2019)
- Purdue University (Jan 2020)
- Soil Sciences Institute, Nanjing (Nov 2019)
“Network Analysis Reveals Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Bacterial-Fungal Co-occurrence” Mengting Yuan
- Chinese Microbial Ecology Conference Changsha, China (Oct 2019)
- American Geophysical Union 100th Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA (Dec 2019)
“Cross-Kingdom Interactions: the Foundation for Nutrient Cycling in Grassland Soils” Joanne Emerson
- Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting Washington DC (Feb 2020)
“Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Transport a Significant Amocunt of Water to Host Plants” Anne Kakouridis
- Geophysical Union 100th Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA (Dec 2019)
“Nitrogen Breakdown and Assimilation Pathways in Rhizosphere and Detritusphere Soil from Time-Resolved Microbial Metatransciptomes” Ella Sieradzki
- Geophysical Union 100th Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA (Dec 2019)
“The Viral Universe”, The Economist. 20 August 2020. Page 9.