Get Involved!

Interested in collecting spiders? Register to get your own collecting kit!

Use our Registration Form here to let us know you are interested in our project, and indicate where you would like to collect.

Some tips for figuring out where to collect:

  1. Both target species are found near water (creeks, rivers, ponds, lakes, marshes). This will be the ideal habitat for your collection trips. For more information on the target species and details that may assist in your collection efforts, access our information sheet.

  2. There are many locations where you can collect throughout California without the need of permits. This includes private land (your own backyard or your friend’s backyard). Access this map to check out land where you can and cannot collect to plan your collection trips. You can drop a pin on this map if you have particular coordinates or locations you would like to check. Keep in mind that this will not include private land that you may have access to!