Anna Holmquist
Graduate StudentAnna Holmquist
Graduate Student
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Office | 221 Hilgard Hall
Curriculum vitae | PDF
Research area | Behavioral ecology / Biogeography / Arachnology / Speciation
Research Interests
Research focuses on one of the most biologically important, but scarcely studied, areas in the world, South East Asia, and Sulawesi in particular. Because of the unique geologic history of Sulawesi and its high diversity, including undescribed endemic taxa, the work holds tremendous promise to advance current knowledge in processes generating diversity, and in particular of spiders. Working with a team of vertebrate biologists here at Berkeley, the collecting sites have already been chosen – mountains and elevation gradients – based on areas of endemism. The team has a network of in-country collaborators (including at the Indonesian Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense).
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