Our research interests are broadly focused on issues of population ecology, biological control, (LBAM in California) and natural enemies. We link fundamental research to management options, transforming biological control from its traditional stance as an art, lead by trial and error, to a science, based on sound principles and effective experimental research. Invasive species not only present a serious threat to agriculture and forestry, but also have major impacts on the biodiversity of natural ecosystems. Biological control, as a critical ecosystem service in which natural enemies suppress the abundance and impact of both invasive and indigenous pests, provides an important opportunity to reduce our reliance on synthetic pesticides. In an era of rapid global change we are constantly presented with challenging and exciting topics for both lab- and field-based research. Check out the links above for further details of our recent research topics.
Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
University of California, Berkeley
137 Mulford Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-3114