Xing Gao

Xing Gao


MPH in Epidemiology/Biostatistics, UC Berkeley

BA in Geography and International Studies, Macalester College

Research Interests

Neighborhood environment, structural racism, racial/ethnic health inequities

Research Description

My research projects examine structural racism. neighborhood context,  and racial/ethnic inequities in maternal and cardiovascular health across the lifecourse.

Selected Publications
Berkowitz RL, Gao X, Michaels EK, Mujahid MS. Structurally Vulnerable Neighbourhood Environments and Racial/ethnic COVID-19 Inequities. Cities & Health. 2020;0(0):1-4. 
Mujahid MS, Sohn EK, Izenberg J, Gao X, Tulier ME, Lee, MM, Yen I. Gentrification and Displacement in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Comparison of Measurement Approaches. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(12).
Honors and Awards
NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award    
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award 
Recent Teaching

Epidemiologic Methods I & II, Social Epidemiology, UC Berkeley