I’m a Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar from Buenos Aires, Argentina. In Buenos Aires, I work in the Agricultural Plant Physiology and Ecology Research Institute (Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires) where I have a Ph.D. scholarship from the National Council for Scientific Research (CONICET). My research focuses on understanding land use change at different spatial scales. In particular, in my Ph.D., I’m studying (1) the spatial and temporal changes in the diversity of crop production, consumption, and trade at the global scale (2) which are the human and biophysical drivers of global crop production diversity and (3) how these global changes affected land use interactions (synergies, tradeoffs) between agriculture and livestock production in the Rio de la Plata Basin. During my short research stay at UC Berkeley, I will be working on the second objective.
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Land use change; Food security; Global Change; Social-ecological systems; Biodiversity conservation; Land conflicts.
2014-present. Ph.D. Agricultural Science. Graduate School “Alberto Soriano”, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires. Thesis title: Global changes in production, consumption, and trade of crops and its effect on land use in southern South America. Advisor: Ph.D. Esteban G. Jobbágy. Co-advisors: Ph.D. Lucas A. Garibaldi and Ph.D. Marcos Texeira
2009-2014. Degree in Environmental Sciences. 2014. Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires. Thesis title: Land use change, demography and poverty in Northern Argentinean Dry Chaco (2001-2010). Advisors Dr. Marcela E. Román and Dr. José M. Paruelo.
2004-2010. Undergraduate studies in Economics (Not finished). Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Buenos Aires.
Aguiar, S., M.E. Mastrangelo, M.A. García Collazo, G..H. Camba Sans, C.E. Mosso, L. Ciuffoli, M. Schmidt, M. Vallejos, L. Langbehn, D. Cáceres, G. Merlinsky, J.M. Paruelo, L. Seghezzo, L. Staiano, M. Texeira, J.N. Volante, S.R. Verón. What is the situation of the Forest Law in the Chaco Region ten years after its sanction? Reviewing the past to discuss its future. (In Spanish, In Review)
Camba Sans, G.H., S. Aguiar, M. Vallejos & J.M. Paruelo. 2018. Assessing the effectiveness of a land zoning policy in the Dry Chaco. The Case of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Land Use Policy, 70, 313-321.
Garibaldi, L. A., S. Aguiar, M.A. Aizen, C.L. Morales & A. Sáez. 2017. Diversity or dominance in food production? The case of pollinators. Ecología Austral, 27(3), 340-347. (In Spanish)
Irisarri, J.G.N., S. Aguiar, M. Oesterheld, R.A. Golluscio & J. Derner. 2017. A narrower gap of grazing intensity. Reply to Fetzel et al.2017. Seasonality constraints to livestock grazing intensity. Global Change Biology, 23: 3965–3966. doi:10.1111/gcb.13800
Aguiar, S, G. Camba Sans & J.M. Paruelo. 2017. Market-based instruments for biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation in Latin America: panacea or square wheel? Ecología Austral, 27:146-161. (In Spanish)
Mazía, N. L.I. Pérez, J. Moyano, S. Aguiar, L.A. Garibaldi & T.M. Schlichter. 2016. The sign and magnitude of tree-grass interaction along a global environmental gradient. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25(12), 1510-1519.
Paruelo, J.M., S.R. Verón, J.N. Volante, L. Seghezzo, M. Vallejos, S. Aguiar, L. Amdan, P. Baldassini, L. Ciuffoli, N. Huykmann, B. Davanzo, E. González, J. Landesmann y D. Picardi. 2011.. Conceptual and Methodological Elements for Cumulative Environmental Effects Assessment (CEEA) in Subtropical Forests. The Case of Eastern Salta, Argentina. Ecologia Austral . Vol 21 (2). 163 – 178 (In Spanish)