University of California, Berkeley
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
Division of Society and Environment
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(As Carolyn Iltis)
1970. "D'Alembert and the Vis Viva Controversy," Studies in
History and Philosophy of Science, 1, no. 2 (August): 135-44.
1971. "Leibniz and the Vis Viva Controversy," Isis, 62, no.
1 (Spring): 21-35.
1973. "The Decline of Cartesianism in Mechanics: The
Leibnizian-Cartesian Debates," Isis, 64, no. 3 (Fall): 356-73.
1973. "The Leibnizian-Newtonian Debates: Natural Philosophy and Social
Psychology," British Journal for the History of Science, 6, no.
24 (December): 343-77.
1974. "Bernoulli's Springs and their Repercussions in the Vis
Viva Controversy," Actes du XIIIe Congres International d'Histoire des
Sciences, 1971 (Moscow,1974), sect. V, pp. 309-315.
1974. "Leibniz's Concept of Force: Physics and Metaphysics,"
Akten des II. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, Hannover, July,
1972 (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag), band 2, pp. 143-49.
1975. "The Conservative Character of Science and Technology,"
Interface Journal: Alternatives in Higher Education, 1, no. 2
(Fall): 17-22.
1977. "Madame du Chatelet's Metaphysics and Mechanics," Studies
in History and Philosophy of Science, 8, no. 1 (May): 29-48.
1977. "Review of Pierre Costabel, Leibniz and Dynamics: The Texts
of 1692 (London: Methuen, 1973)" in The British Journal for the History
of Science, 10, no. 2 (July): 176-7.
(As Carolyn Merchant)
1979. "The Vitalism of Anne Conway: Its Impact on Leibniz'
Concept of the Monad, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 17,
no. 3 (July): 255-69.
1979. "The Vitalism of Francis Mercury van Helmont: Its Influence
on Leibniz's Concept of the Monad," Ambix, 26, no. 3 (November):
1982. "Isis Consciousness Raised," Isis, 72, no. 268
(September): 398-409.
1983. "Hydraulic Technologies and the Agricultural Transformation
of the English Fens, Environmental Review, 7, no. 2 (Summer):
1983. "Women, Nature, and Domination," in Jan Zimmerman, ed.,
Future, Technology, and Woman. New York: Praeger, pp. 30-7.
1983. "Mining the Earth's Womb," in Joan Rothschild, ed., Machina
Ex Dea. New York: Pergamon Press, pp. 99-117.
(Excerpts from chapters 1 and 7 of The Death of Nature, 1980.)
1984. "Isis nya medvetenhet," Kvinnovetenskaplig tidschrift, 4
(1984): 7-16, Swedish translation of 1982, "Isis Consciousness Raised."
1985. Review of Anne Conway, Principles of the Most Ancient
and Recent Philosophy, edited by Peter Loptson (The Hague:
Nijhoff, 1982) in Isis, 76, no. 282 (Spring): 275-6.
1986. "Anne Conway, Quaker and Philosopher," Guilford Review,
Guilford College, Greensboro, North Carolina, No. 23
(Spring): 2-13.
1991. "The Death of Nature," in John Zerzan and Alice Carnes,
Questioning Technology: Tool, Toy, or Tyrant? Philadelphia:
New Society Publishers, 1991, pp. 36-40. (Reprinted from The Death of
Nature (1980), pp. 192-3, 290-2, 294-5).
1992. "The World an Organism," in Shirley Nicholson and Brenda
Rosen, eds., Gaia's Hidden Life: The Unseen Intelligence of
Nature. Wheaton, Ill.: Quest Books, pp. 163-85. (Reprinted
from The Death of Nature, 1980, Ch. 4.)
1993. "The Death of Nature," in Michael Zimmerman et al, ed.
Environmental Philosophy. Atlantic Highlands, N. J.:
Prentice Hall, pp. 268-83; 2nd ed. 1998, pp. 277-290; 3rd ed. 2001, pp.
273-286. (Excerpted from The Death of Nature, 1980.)
1998. "The Death of Nature: A Retrospective," Organization
and Environment, 11, no. 2 (June): 198-206. In "Symposium on
Carolyn Merchant's The Death of Nature, Citation Classics and
Foundational Works, with commentary by Linda C. Forbs, John Jermier,
Eckersley, Max Oelschlaeger, Sverker Sorlin, and Karen Warren,
and Environment, 11, no. 2 (June 1998): 180-206.
2000. "Isis' Consciousness Raised," in History of Women in the
Sciences: Readings from Isis, ed., Sally Gregory Kohlstedt.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 11-22. (Reprint of No.
2001. "Dominion Over Nature," in The Gender and Science Reader,
edited by Ingrid Bartsch and Muriel Lederman. New York:
Routledge, pp. 68-81. (Excerpt from The Death of Nature, 1980, Ch
2001. "The Death of Nature," in Environmental Philosophy: From Animal
Rights to Radical Ecology, third edition, ed. Michael E. Zimmerman, et
al. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, pp. 273-286. (Excerpted
from The Death of Nature, 1980.)
2003. "Mining the Earth's Womb," in The Philosophy of
Technology: The Technological Condition, ed. Robert C. Scharff
and Valerie Dusek. Oxford, Eng.: Blackwell Publishing, pp.
417-28. (Reprint of No. 16.)
2005. Michal Meyer, "Workspace: Carolyn Merchant, The Past in the
Present," History of Science Society Newsletter (Fall), pp. 10-11.
2006. "The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific
Revolution," in Lisa Sarasohn, ed., The Scientific Revolution. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, pp. 149-156. (Excerpt from Merchant, The Death of
Nature, 1980, pp. 164-172.)
2006. "The Scientific Revolution and the Death of Nature,"
special Focus section on Carolyn Merchant's The Death of Nature, Isis,
97, no. 3 (September): 513-533, with commentary by Joan Cadden,
Katharine Park, Gregg Mitman, and Charis Thompson, pp. 485-512.
2008. "Secrets of Nature: The Baconian Debates Revisited," Journal of
the History of Ideas, 69, no. 1 (January): 147-162.
2008. Review of Pierre Hadot, The Veil of Isis: An Essay on the History
of the Idea of Nature, in The British Journal for the History of
Science, 41,
no. 2 (June): 288-289.
2008. "'The Violence of Impediments:' Francis Bacon and the Origins of
Experimentation,"Isis, 99, no. 4 (December): 731-760.
2013. "Francis Bacon and the Vexations of Art: Experimentation as Intervention," British Journal for the History of Science, 46, no. 4 (December): 551-599. Originally published online, first view articles, Jan. 2012.
2013. "Mining the Earth's Womb," in Robert Scharff and Valerie Dusek, eds., The Philosophy of Technology: The Technological Condition: An Anthology, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley, Ch. 36, pp. 417-428.
2014. "Nature as Female," in Kenneth Hiltner, ed., Ecocriticism: The Essential Reader. New York: Routledge, Ch. 2, pp. 10-34. Reprint of Death of Nature, Ch. 1.
2022. “Margaret Cavendish: Natural Philosopher and Feminist,” in Lisa Walters and Brandie Siegfried, eds. Margaret Cavendish: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), pp. 19-32.
1989. "Entwurf einer okologischen Ethik" (Outline of an Ecological
Ethic, trans. from English by Erwin Schuhmacher), in Geist und Natur
(Mind and Nature), edited by Hans-Peter Durr and Walter Ch.
Zimmerli. Munich: Scherz Verlag, pp. 135-44.
1990. "Environmental Ethics and Political Conflict: A View
From California," Environmental Ethics, 12, no. 1 (Spring): 45-68.
1990. "Is it Time for an Earth Ethic?" Vassar Quarterly (Spring):
1993. "Outline of an Ecological Ethic, in Spirit and Nature, ed.
Hans-Peter Durr and Walther Ch. Zimmerli, trans. Keiji Ogata.
Tokyo: Bokutakusha, pp. 201-210. (Japanese translation of
No. 28.)
1996. "Environmental Ethics and Political Conflict: A View
From California," in Lawrence M. Hinman, ed., Contemporary Moral
Issues: Diversity and Consensus. Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
Prentice Hall, pp. 516-536. (Reprint of No. 29.)
1996. "Chaos, Gaia, and Partnership Ethics," in John Keilch, ed.,
The Environmental Spirit: Past, Present, & Prospects, A
Symposium and Conference held April 13-15, 1995 (Berkeley, CA:
University of California, Physical and Environmental Planning, 1996),
pp. 355-66. (Excerpts from Earthcare: Women and the Environment.
New York: Routledge, 1996, Ch 1, 2, and Conclusion.)
1996. "Partnership Ethics: Earthcare for a New Millennium,"
in Terra Femina: Insights, no. 7, edited by Rosiska Darcy de
Oliveria (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: IDAC, Instituto de Acao
Cultural), pp. 1-19. (Reprinted from Merchant, Earthcare:
Women and the Environment. New York: Routledge, 1996,
"Conclusion," pp. 209-224).
1997. "Fish First!: The Changing Ethics of Ecosystem
Management," Human Ecology Review, special issue on "Emerging
Ecological Policy: Winners and Losers," 4, no. 1 (Spring/Summer): 25-30.
1998. "Partnership With Nature," Landscape, Special Issue, 69-71.
1999. "Fish First!: The Changing Ethics of Ecosystem
Management," in Paul Hirt and Dale Goble, eds., Northwest Lands and
Peoples. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, pp.
295-308. (Reprint of No. 57.)
1999. "Partnership Ethics and Cultural Discourse: Women and
the Earth Summit," in Living With Nature: Environmental Discourse
as Cultural Politics, edited by Frank Fisher and Maarten Hajer.
New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 204-23.
2000. "Partnership Ethics: Business and the Environment,"
in Patricia Werhane, ed., Environmental Challenges to Business, 1997
Ruffin Lectures, University of Virginia Darden School of Business.
Bowling Green, OH: Society for Business Ethics, pp. 7-18.
2000. "Population and the Environment: Issues in Developed Countries,"
in Population and the Environment: Too Many People and/or Poor
Management of Resources? Berkeley, CA: Center for Sustainable
Resource Development, University of California, Berkeley, May 24,
2000, pp. 54-58.
2001. "Partnership, Narrative, and Environmental Justice" (an
interview by J. Scott Bryson), Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, vol.
3, no. 1 (Fall): 124-130.
2002. "Working Together for Nature," Feature Interview, On Campus
With Women (Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges and
Universities), 31, no. 4 (Summer): 8, 16.
2010. "Fish First!: The Changing Ethics of Ecosystem Management," in
Peter G. Brown and Jeremy J. Schmidt, ed., Water Ethics: Foundational
Readings for Students and Professionals. Washington, D.C.: Island
Press, Ch. 21, pp. 227-240. (Reprint of No. 57.)
1994. "Ecological Revolutions," in Kenneth Dolbeare, ed. American
Political Thought. 2nd ed. Chatham, N.J.: Chatham House
Publishers. (Excerpt from Ecological Revolutions (1989), pp. 1-5,
17-23, 261-270.) 3rd. ed., 1996, pp. 577-590; 4th ed., 1998, pp.
1994. "Radical Ecology: Conclusions," in
Michael Redclift and Graham Woodgate (University of London) eds. The
Sociology of the Environment, in the series The International Library
of Critical Writings in Sociology, edited by Howard Newby, Cheltenham,
Eng.: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., vol. 2, pp. 604-609. (Excerpt
from Radical Ecology,
pp. 235-40.)
2012. "Partnership," in Women's Memory, online journal of the University of Venice (Italy). Italian translation of Reinventing Eden, Ch. 11.
2014. "Environmental Ethics and Political Conflict" ["Etika Okruzenja i Politicki Konflikt"] in Environmental Sociology [Sociologija Okruzenja: Socioloska Hrestomatija], ed., Ljubinko Pusic (Novi Sad, Serbia: Medi Terran), Ch. 6, pp. 234-256. Reprinted from Environmental Ethics, 12, no. 1 (Spring 1990): 45-68.
2019.“Afterword,” in Kenneth Worthy, Elizabeth Allison, and Whitney A. Bauman, eds. After the Death of Nature: Carolyn Merchant and the Future of Human-Nature Relations (New York: Routledge), pp. 277-300.
2020. Review of J. Baird Callicott, John Van Buren, and Keith Wayne Brown, Greek Natural Philosophy: The Presocratics and Their Importance for Environmental Philosophy (San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing, 2018), in WorldViews 24, no. 1 (2020): 117-125.
1986. "Perspective: Restoration and Reunion with Nature,"
Restoration and Management Notes, vol. IV (Winter), University of
Wisconsin, Madison, Arboretum, pp. 68-70.
1987. "The Theoretical Structure of Ecological
Revolutions," Environmental Review, 11, no. 4 (Winter):
1990. "The Realm of Social Relations: Production, Reproduction,
and Gender in Environmental Transformations," in B. L. Turner, II, ed.,
The Earth As Transformed by Human Action. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 673-84.
1991. "Restoration and Reunion with Nature," in Bill Willers,
Learning to Listen to the Land, with a foreword by David Brower.
Washington, D.C.: Island Press, pp. 206-11. (Reprint of No. 25.)
1995. "Reinventing Eden: Western Culture as a Recovery
Narrative," in William Cronon, ed., Uncommon Ground: Toward
Reinventing Nature. New York: W. W. Norton, pp. 132-59.
Paperback ed., 1996. Uncommon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in
Nature. New York: W. W. Norton, pp. 132-139.
1995. "Viewing the World as Process," A Conversation with
Suzi Gablick, in Suzi Gablick, Conversations Before the End of Time.
London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 226-46.
1996. "The Global Ecological Crisis," in Richard Genseth and
Edward Lotto, eds., Constructing Nature. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice Hall, pp. 408-25. (Chapter 1 of Radical Ecology:
The Search for a Livable World [1992], pp. 17-39.)
1997. "Radical Ecology," in Nancy S. Love, ed., Dogmas and
Dreams: Political Ideologies in the Modern World, 2nd ed.
London: Chatham House, pp. 606-615. (Reprinted from
Radical Ecology: The Search for a Livable World, 1992, pp. 1-14,
1997. "The Theoretical Structure of Ecological Revolutions," in
Char Miller and Hal Rothman, eds., Out of the Woods: Essays in
Environmental History. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Pittsburgh University
Press, pp. 18-27. (Reprint of No. 27.)
1999. "Forward," Human Nature: Biology, Culture, and
Environmental History. Edited by John Herron and Andrew Kirk.
Albuquerque, N.M.: University of New Mexico Press, pp. xi-xiv.
1999. "Ecological Revolutions," in William
Willers, ed., Unmanaged Landscapes: Voices for Untamed Nature.
Washington, D.C: Island Press), pp. 164-70. (Excerpted from
Ecological Revolutions, 1989.)
1999. "Emancipation and Ecology," in Mark J. Smith, ed., Thinking
Through the Environment (New York: Routledge, 1999), pp. 303-312.
(Excerpted from Radical Ecology, 1992, Ch. 6.)
2001. "Fate of the Abenaki in the Colonial Ecological
Revolution," in So Glorious a Landscape: Nature and the Environment in
American History and Culture, ed., Chris J. Magoc. Wilmington, DE:
Scholarly Resources Books, pp.
31-38. (Excerpted from Ecological Revolutions, 1989, Ch. 2.)
2002. "Narratives About Nature," an interview with Carolyn Merchant, by
Russell Schoch, California Monthly (June) vol. 112, no. 6, pp. 26-30.
2002. "Dominion over Nature," in Richard C. Foltz, ed., Worldviews,
Religion, and the Environment: A Global Anthology (New York:
Wadsworth/Thomson), in Ch. 2, "Humans, Nature, and Modernity," pp.
39-49. (Excerpted from The Death of Nature [1980], Ch 7.)
2003. "Shades of Darkness: Race and
Environmental History," Environmental History, 8, no. 3 (July): 380-94.
2005. "Forward," in Dianne D. Glave and Mark Stoll, ed., To Love
the Wind and the Rain: African Americans and Environmental History.
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, pp. ix-xii.
2006. "Ecohistory: New Theories and Approaches," 20th International
Congress of Historical Sciences (Congres International des Sciences
Historique, Sydney, NSW: Incompass CD), pp. 61-66.
2009. "Melting Ice: Climate Change and the Humanities," with Jennifer
Wells, Confluence, XIV, no. 2 (Spring): 13-27.
2010. "George Bird Grinnell's Audubon Society: Bridging the Gender
Divide in Conservation," Environmental History, 15, no. 1
(January): 3-30.
2010. "The BP Oil Spill: Economy Versus Ecology," American Society for
Environmental History, ASEH News, 21, no. 2 (Summer).
2010. "Climate Change and the Humanities: A Case for the Arts,"
Townsend Center for the Humanities, University of California, Berkeley
(February/March), pp. 23-24.
1981. "Earthcare: Women and the Environmental Movement,"
Environment, 23, no. 5 (June): 7-13, 38-40.
1984. "Women of the Progressive Conservation Movement,
1900-1916," Environmental Review, 8, no. 1 (Spring): 57-85.
(Also guest editorial 17a.
Introduction, and editor of this special issue on Women and
Environmental History).
1985. "Feminism and Ecology," in Bill Devall and George Sessions,
eds., Deep Ecology. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith books,
pp. 229-3l. Excerpted from No. 12, 1981, "Earthcare."
1985. "Women of the Progressive Conservation Crusade, 1900-1915,"
in Kendall E. Bailes, ed., Environmental History: Critical Issues in
Comparative Perspective. New York: University Press of America,
1985, pp. 153-75.
1985. "Fred Med Jorden: Kvinnor och miljororelsen i
Norden," with Abby Peterson, Department of Sociology, University of
Umeå, Sweden, Natur och Samhalle, Lund, Sweden, 11, no. 34
1986. "Peace with the Earth: Women and the Environmental
Movement in Sweden," with Abby Peterson, Department of Sociology,
University of Umea Sweden, Women's Studies International Forum, London,
England, 9, no. 5-6: 465-79.
1987. "Ecofeminism," The New Internationalist,
No. 171 (May 1987): 18-19. 26a.
Reprinted in Utne Reader, no. 36
(Nov/Dec 1989): 76. Reprint of No. 26.
1990. "Ecofeminism and Feminist Theory," in Irene Diamond and
Gloria Ornstein, eds., Reweaving the World: The Emergence of
Ecofeminism. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, pp. 100-5.
1990. "Gender and Environmental History," Journal of American
History, 76, no. 4 (March): 1117-21.
1990. "Gaia's Last Gasp," Tikkun (March, April): 66-69.
1991. "Women and Nature," in Andrew Dobson, ed., The Green
Essays Toward a Sustainable Society. San Francisco: Mercury House, pp.
1992. "Ecofeminism," in Terra Femina, edited by Rosiska Darcy de
Oliveira and Thais Corral. Rio de Janiero: Companhia
Brasileira de Artes Graficas, pp. 2-22. Also "Ecofeminismo," in
translation of Terra Femina (1992), pp. 2-24.
1992. "Perspectives on Ecofeminism," Environmental Action, 24, no. 2
(Summer): 18-19.
1992. "Okofeminisme og feministisk teori," Vardoger, 21
(May): 106-111. (Norwegian translation of No. 31.)
1993. "Gender and Environmental History," in Susan J. Armstrong
and Richard G. Botzler, ed. Environmental Ethics: Divergence and
Convergence. New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 192-6. (Reprint of
No. 32.)
1993. "Ecofeminism and Feminist Theory," in Peter C. List, ed.
Radical Environmentalism: Philosophy and Tactics. Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth, pp. 49-55. (Reprint of No. 31.)
1993. "Genero e historia ambiental," in Manuel Gonsalez De Molina
and Juan Martinez Alier, eds. Historia Y Ecologia. Madrid:
Marcial Pons, pp. 111-7. (Spanish translation of No. 32.)
1994. "On Ecofeminism," in Donna J. Wood, ed. Business and Society, 2nd
ed. New York: Harper Collins, p. 35. (Excerpt from the
Death of
Nature, pp. xv-xvi. )
1995. "Nature as Female," in Michael Redclift and Graham Woodgate
(University of London) eds., The Sociology of the Environment, in the
series The International Library of Critical Writings in Sociology,
edited by Howard Newby, Cheltenham, Eng.: Edward Elgar Publishing
Ltd. vol. 2,
pp. 185-230. (Excerpt from The Death of Nature, pp. 1-41 and 296-301.)
1995. "Ecofeminism," in Kate Mehuron and Gary Percesepe, eds.,
Free Spirits: Feminist Philosophers on Culture. Upper Saddle
River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Ch. V, sec. 22, pp. 311-28. (Chapter
8 of Radical Ecology: The Search for a Livable World [1992], pp.
2001. "Ecofeminism and Feminist Theory," in Michael Boylan, ed.,
Environmental Ethics. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, pp.
76-83. Reprint of No. 31.
2003. "Women and the Environment," Green Leaves: Rachel's
Network Quarterly Newsletter (Washington D.C.), vol. 2, no. 3
(September): 5.
2006. "Eve: Nature and Narrative," in David Freeland Duke, ed., Canadian Environmental History: Essential Readings. Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press, 2006, pp. 44-69. Reprinted from Earthcare: Women and the Environment (New York: Routledge 1995): 27-56.
2007. "Natura, Femminile, Plurale: Intervista a Carolyn Merchant," ed.,
Marco Armiero, I Frutti di Demetra (Naples: Bollettino di Storia e
Ambiente), vol. 14: 81-90.
2008. "Eco-femminismo," trans. Stefania Barca, in La Camera Blu
(Naples: University of Naples), no. 3 (May-December): 48-58.
(Translation of Radical Ecology, 2005, Ch.
8, pp. 194-212.)
2008. "Gaia: Ecofeminism and the Earth," in Glenn Adelson, James
Engell, Brent Ranalli, and Kevin P. Van Anglen, eds., Environment: An
Interdisciplinary Anthology. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, pp.
616-621. (Excerpted from Earthcare: Women and the
Environment, 1996, Ch. 1, pp. 5-8 and Table 2, "Feminism and the
Environment," p. 6.)
2010. "Ecofeminism and the Philosophy of Nature," in David R. Keller,
ed., Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions. New York: Wiley, Ch. 36,
pp. 291-300. (Reprinted from No. 31, pp. 100-5 and The Death of Nature,
1980, pp.
xix-xx, xxi, 1-4, 164, 172, 188-9, 189-93, 290-1.)
2012. "Women and Nature: Responding to the Call," in Joe Bowersox and
Karen Arabas, ed., Is Nature Calling? Santa Rosa, CA: Polebridge Press,
in press.
2013. "Gaia: Ecofeminism and the Earth," in Christian R. Weisser, ed., Sustainable Writing: A Bedford Spotlight Reader. New York: Bedford, St. Martin. Reprinted from Earthcare: Women and the Environment (1996).
2014. "Ecofeminism and Feminist Theory," in Michael Boylan, ed. Environmental Ethics, 2nd ed. Chichester, West Sussex, England: Wiley Blackwell, 2014, Ch. 3B, pp. 59-63. Reprint of "Ecofeminism and Feminist Theory," in Irene Diamond and Gloria Orenstein, eds., Reweaving the World: The Emergence of Ecofeminism (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1990).
2020. “Margaret Cavendish: Natural Philosopher and Feminist,” in Lisa Walters and Brandie Siegfried, eds. Margaret Cavendish: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020).