Elias Lab
  • All
  • Substrate borne signals
  • Mechanisms of behavior
  • Behavioral ecology
  1. Kallal RJ, Elias DO, Wood HM. (2021). Not so fast: strike kinematics of the araneoid trap-jaw spider Pararchaea alba (Malkaridae: Pararchaeinae). Integrative Organismal Biology. https://doi.org/10.1093/iob/obab027 pdf

    ‡Sun Y, Brandt EE, Elias DO, Rosenthal MF, and Kamath A. (2021). Jumping spiders (Habronattus clypeatus) exhibit substrate preferences that partially maximize vibration transmission efficiency. Journal of Insect Behavior. 34:151-161, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10905-021-09777-x, ‡undergraduate author pdf

    Escalante I and Elias DO (2021). The type of leg lost affects habitat use but not survival in a non-regenerating arthropod. Ecology and Evolution. 2021; 11:10672–10685, https://doi.org/10.1002/ ece3.7879 pdf

    ‡Meza P, Elias DO, and Rosenthal MF (2021). The effect of substrate on prey capture does not match natural substrate use in a wolf spider. Animal Behaviour. 176: 17-21. ‡undergraduate author pdf

    Brandt EE, Sasiharan Y, Elias DO, and Mhatre N (2021). Jump takeoff in a small jumping spider. Journal of Comparative Physiology – A. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-021-01473-7 pdf

    Rivera C, Mason AC, Maddison WP, Hedin M and Elias DO (2021). Complex Courtship in the Habronattus clypeatus group of Jumping Spiders. Journal of Arachnology. 48:221–232 pdf

    Girard MB, Elias DO, Azevedo G. Bi K, Kasumovic MM, Waldock JM, Rosenblum EB, and Hedin M (2021). Phylogenomics of peacock spiders and their kin (Salticidae, Maratus), with implications for the evolution of male courtship displays. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society. 2021;Volume 132, Issue 3, March 2021, Pages 471–494; https://doi.org/10.1093/biolinnean/blaa165 pdf

    Broder D, Elias DO, Rodriguez R, Rosenthal G, Seymour B, and Tinghitella R (2021). Evolutionary novelty in communication between the sexes. Biology Letters 17:2020073. http://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2020.0733 pdf

    Raboin M and Elias DO (2021). Built to last a day: The function and benefits of spider mound nests. Ethology. 2021; 127: 238–245. https://doi.org/10.1111/eth.13120 pdf

    Rosenthal MF, Hebets EA, McGinley R, Raiza C, Starrett J, Yan L and Elias DO (2021). Exploring a novel substrate‐borne vibratory signal in the wolf spider Schizocosa floridana. Ethology. 2021; 127: 135– 144. https://doi.org/10.1111/eth.13114 pdf

    Escalante I, Ellis VR, and Elias DO. (2020) Leg loss decreases endurance and increases oxygen consumption during locomotion in harvestmen. Journal of Comparative Physiology- A https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-020-01455-1 pdf

    Brandt EE, Rosenthal MF, and Elias DO. (2020) Complex interactions between temperature, sexual signals, and mate choice in a desert-dwelling jumping spider. Animal Behaviour. 170, 81-87, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.10.010 10.1016 pdf

    Escalante I, Badger MA, and Elias DO (2020). Rapid recovery of locomotor performance after leg loss. Scientific Reports 10, 13747. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70557-2 pdf

    Brandt EE, Roberts K, Williams C, and Elias DO (2020). Low temperatures impact species distributions of jumping spiders across a desert elevational cline. Journal of Insect Physiology. (122). 104037. DOI:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2020.104037 pdf

    Monk, J.D., Giglio, E., Kamath, A., Lambert, M. and McDonough, C.E. (2019) An alternative hypothesis for the evolution of same-sex sexual behaviour in animals. Nature Ecology and Evolution doi:10.1038/s41559-019-1019-7 pdf

    Choi N, Bern M, Elias DO, McGinley RH, Rosenthal MH, and Hebets EA (2019). Multiple impacts of the signalling environment on courtship communication – signaler behaviour, signal transmission, signaling success. Animal Behavior. (157). Pp 77-88 pdf

    Taylor JRA, deVries MS, and Elias DO (2019). Growling from the gut by ghost crabs: a novel mode of crustacean acoustic communication. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 286 (1910), p. 20191161. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2019.1161 pdf

    Rosenthal MM and Elias DO (2019). Nonlinear changes in selection on a mating display across a continuous thermal gradient. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 286. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2019.1450 pdf

    Rosenthal MM, McGinley RH, Hebets EA and Elias DO (2019). The effects of microhabitat specialization on mating communication in a wolf spider. Behavioural Ecology. arz091, DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arz091. pdf

    Raboin M and Elias DO (2019). Anthropogenic noise and the bioacoustics of terrestrial invertebrates. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222: jeb178749 doi: 10.1242/jeb.178749. pdf

    Escalante I, Badger MA, and Elias DO (2019). Variation in movement: multiple locomotor gaits in Neotropical harvestmen. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society. 127 (2), 593-507 DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean.blz047 . pdf

    Kwong-Brown U, Tobias ML, Elias DO, Hall I, Elemans C, and Kelley DB (2019). The return to water in ancestral Xenopus was accompanied by a novel mechanism for producing and shaping vocal signals. eLife.8: e39946 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.39946 . pdf

    Brandt EE, Kelley JP, and Elias DO (2018). Temperature alters multimodal signaling and mating success in an ectotherm. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 191. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-018-2620-5. pdf

    Girard MB, Kasumovic MM, and Elias DO (2018). The role of red coloration and song in peacock spider courtship: insights into complex signaling systems. Behavioural Ecology 29(6), 1234–1244. doi:10.1093/beheco/ary128. pdf

    Clark CJ, Mountcastle AM, Mistick E, and Elias DO (2017). Resonance frequencies of honeybee (Apis mellifera) wings. Journal of Experimental Biology 220, 2697-2700 doi:10.1242/jeb.154609. pdf

    Shamble PS, Menda G, Golden JR, Nitzany EI, Walden K, Beatus T, Elias DO, Cohen I, Miles RN, and Hoy RR (2016). Airborne acoustic perception by a jumping spider. Current Biology 26, 1-8. pdf

    Wood HM, Parkinson DY, Griswold CE, Gillespie RG, Elias DO. (2016) Need for speed: extremely rapid predatory strikes evolved repeatedly in trap-jaw spiders. Current Biology 26 (8): 1057–1061. pdf

  2. Girard, M.B., D.O. Elias, and M.M. Kasumovic. (2015) Female preference for multi-modal courtship: multiple signals are important for male mating success in peacock spiders. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 2015. 282(1820). pdf

    Goodman KR, Kelley JP, Welter S, Roderick GK, and Elias DO. (2015) Rapid diversification of sexual signals in Hawaiian Nesosydne planthoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) under the influence of neutral and selective forces. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28(2): p. 415-427 pdf

    Rosenblum, E.B., C.E. Parent, and E.E. Brandt. (2014) The Molecular Basis of Phenotypic Convergence. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 2014. 45(1): p. 203-226. pdf

    Elias, D.O., Sivalinghem, S., Mason, A.C., Andrade, M.C.B., and Kasumovic, M. M. (2014). Mate guarding courtship behaviour: Tactics in a changing world. Animal Behavior 97, 25-33. pdf.

  3. Wu Chung-Huey‡ and Elias DO. (2014) Vibratory noise in human-altered habitats and its effect on prey-detection in a web-building spider. Animal Behavior. 90, 47-56 ‡undergraduate author. pdf

Clark CJ, Elias DO, and Prum R. (2013) Hummingbird feather sounds are produced by aeroelastic flutter, not vortex-induced vibration. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216(18): 3395-3403. pdf

Clark CJ, Elias DO, Girard, MB, and Prum R. (2013) Structural resonance and mode of flutter of hummingbird tail feathers. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216(18): 3404-341. pdf

Manfredi LR, Baker AT, Elias DO, Dammann III JF, Zielinski M, Polashock VS, and Bensmaia SJ. (2012) The effect of surface wave propagation on afferent responses to vibrations in primate glabrous skin. PLoS One 7(2), e31203. pdf

Elias DO, Maddison WP, ‡Peckmezian C, Girard MB, and Mason AC. (2012) Orchestrating the score: Complex multimodal courtship in the Coecatus-group of Habronattus (Araneae: Salticidae). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 105(3) 522-547. ‡undergraduate author. pdf

Elias DO, Andrade M.C.B., and Kasumovic MM. Dynamic Population Structure and the Evolution of Spider Mating Systems. In Spider Physiology and Behaviour, 41, AIIP, UK: Academic Press, 2011, pp. 65-114. Editor: Casas, Jerome. Special Issue of Advances in Insect Physiology. reprint request

Girard MB, Kasumovic MM, and Elias DO. (2011). Multi-modal courtship in the peacock spider, Maratus volans (O. P. –Cambridge, 1874). PLoS One 6, e25390. pdf

Clark CJ, Elias DO, and Prum R. Aeroelastic flutter produces hummingbird feather songs. (2011) Science 333, 1430-1433. pdf

Kasumovic M.M., Mason, A.C., Andrade M.C.B., and Elias D.O. (2011). The relative importance of RHP and resource quality in contests with ownership asymmetries. Behavioral Ecology 22(1) 39-45. pdf

Elias, D.O., and Mason, A. C. (2011) Signaling in variable environments: Substrate-borne signaling mechanisms and communication behavior in spiders. In: The Use of Vibrations in Communication: properties, mechanisms and function across taxa (Edited by O’Connell-Rodwell, CE), Research Signpost.

Uhl, G. and Elias, D. O. (2011) Communication. In: Spider Behaviour: Versatility and Flexibility (Edited by Heberstein, M.E.), Cambridge University Press

‡Sivalinghem S., Kasumovic M.M, Mason, A.C., Andrade M.C.B., and Elias D.O (2010). Vibratory communication in the jumping spider Phidippus clarus: Polyandry, male courtship signals, and mating success. Behavioral Ecology,21(6) 1308-1314,‡undergraduate author. pdf

Elias, D.O., ‡Sivalinghem S., Mason, A. C., Andrade, M. C. B., and Kasumovic, M. M. (2010) Vibratory communication in the jumping spider Phidippus clarus: Substrate-borne courtship signals are important for male mating success, Ethology 116: 990-998, ‡undergraduate author pdf

Elias, D.O., Botero, C. A., Andrade, M. C. B., Mason, A. C., and Kasumovic, M. M. (2010) High resource valuation fuels “desperado” fighting tactics in female jumping spiders, Behavioral Ecology, 21(4):868-875 pdf

Elias, D.O., Mason, A. C., and Hebets, E.A. (2010) A signal-substrate match in the seismic component of a multimodal courtship display, Current Zoology 56(3), 370-378 pdf

Kasumovic M.M*., Elias D.O*., ‡Sivalinghem S., Andrade M.C.B., and Mason, A.C. (2010) Examination of prior contest experience and the retention of winner and loser-effects. Behavioral Ecology, 21 (2), 404-409 *Authors contributed equally, ‡undergraduate author pdf

Bostwick K.S., Elias D.O., Mason A.C. and Montealegre-Z F. (2010). Resonating feathers produce courtship song. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1683), 835-841 pdf

Kasumovic M.M., Elias D.O., Punzalan D., Mason, A.C. and Andrade M.C.B. (2009). Experience affects the outcome of agonistic contests without affecting the selective advantage of size. Animal Behavior 77, 1533-1538. pdf

Lee N, Elias D.O., and Mason A.C. (2009) A precedence effect resolves phantom sound source illusions in the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 106 (15), 6357-6362. pdf

Stoltz J.A., Elias D.O., and Andrade M.C.B. (2009) Matched male size rival shifts female receptivity.  Animal Behavior, 77 (1), 79-85. pdf

Elias D. O., Kasumovic M. M., Punzalan D., Andrade M. C. B, and Mason, A. C. (2008). Assessment during aggressive contests between male jumping spiders. Animal Behavior, 76 (3), 901-910. pdf

Hebets E.A., Elias, D. O., Mason, A. C., Miller, G. L., and Stratton, G. P. (2008). Substrate-dependant signaling success in the wolf spider Schizocosa retrorsa. Animal Behavior, 75 (2), 605-615. pdf

Stoltz J. A., Elias, D. O., and Andrade, M. C. B. (2008). Females reward courtship by competing males in a cannibalistic spider. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 62(5), 689-697. pdf

Elias, D. O., Hebets, E. A., Hoy, R. R., Maddison, W. P., and Mason, A. C. (2006). Regional seismic song differences in sky-island populations of Habronattus pugillis Griswold. Journal of Arachnology, 34 (3): 545-557. pdf

Elias D. O., Hebets, E. A., and Hoy, R. R. (2006). Female preference for signal complexity/novelty in a jumping spider. Behavioral Ecology, 17(5): 765-771. pdf

Elias D.O., Land, B. R., Mason, A. C., and Hoy, R. R. (2006).  The classification and quantification of dynamic visual signals in jumping spiders. Journal of Comparative Physiology - A, 192: 785-797. pdf

Elias D. O., ‡Lee, N., Hebets, E. A., and Mason, A. C. (2006). Seismic signal production in a wolf spider: parallel versus serial multicomponent signals. Journal of Experimental Biology, 209, 1074-1084. ‡undergraduate author pdf

Elias D. O., Hebets, E. A., Hoy, R. R. and Mason, A. C. (2005). Seismic signals are crucial for male mating success in a visual specialist jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae). Animal Behaviour, 69 (4), 931-938. pdf

Elias D. O., Mason, A. C., and Hoy, R. R. (2004).  The effect of substrate on the efficacy of seismic courtship signal transmission in the jumping spider Habronattus dossenus (Araneae: Salticidae). Journal of Experimental Biology, 207, 4105-4110. pdf

Elias D. O., Mason, A. C., Maddison, W. P. and Hoy, R. R. (2003). Seismic signals in a courting male jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae). Journal of Experimental Biology 206, 4029-4039. pdf

Parks KC., Elias, D. O., Donato, B., Hardie, J. (2000) The interaction between sex pheromone and plant volatiles in the bird-cherry oat aphid. Journal of Insect Physiology. 46(4). April, 2000. 597-604.

Behmer S. T. and Elias, D. O. (2000)  Phytosterol metabolic constraints as a factor contributing to the maintenance of diet mixing in grasshoppers (Orthoptera:  Acrididae).  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 73 (2). March-April, 2000. 219-230.

Behmer S. T., Elias, D. O. and Grebenok, R. J. (1999) Phytosterol metabolism and  absorption in the generalist grasshopper Schistocerca americana (Orthoptera: Acrididae).  Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 42 (1). Sept., 1999. 13-25.  

Behmer S., and Elias, D.  (1999) Phytosterol structure and its impact on feeding behaviour in the generalist grasshopper Schistocerca americana.  Physiological Entomology. 24:1: March, 1999. 18-27.

Behmer S., and Elias, D. (1999) The nutritional significance of sterol metabolic constraints in a generalist grasshopper.  Journal of Insect Physiology. 45:4:  April, 1999. 339-348. 

Behmer S., Elias, D., and Bernays, E. A. (1999)  Post-ingestive feedbacks and associative learning: regulate the intake of unsuitable sterols in a generalist grasshopper. Journal of Experimental Biology. 202:6: March, 1999. 739-748.

  1. ‡Sun Y, Brandt EE, Elias DO, Rosenthal MF, and Kamath A. (2021). Jumping spiders (Habronattus clypeatus) exhibit substrate preferences that partially maximize vibration transmission efficiency. Journal of Insect Behavior. 34:151-161, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10905-021-09777-x, ‡undergraduate author pdf

    Escalante I and Elias DO (2021). The type of leg lost affects habitat use but not survival in a non-regenerating arthropod. Ecology and Evolution. 2021; 11:10672–10685, https://doi.org/10.1002/ ece3.7879 pdf

    Brandt EE, Sasiharan Y, Elias DO, and Mhatre N (2021). Jump takeoff in a small jumping spider. Journal of Comparative Physiology – A. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-021-01473-7 pdf

    Rivera C, Mason AC, Maddison WP, Hedin M and Elias DO (2021). Complex Courtship in the Habronattus clypeatus group of Jumping Spiders. Journal of Arachnology. 48:221–232 pdf

    Rosenthal MF, Hebets EA, McGinley R, Raiza C, Starrett J, Yan L and Elias DO (2021). Exploring a novel substrate‐borne vibratory signal in the wolf spider Schizocosa floridana. Ethology. 2021; 127: 135– 144. https://doi.org/10.1111/eth.13114 pdf

    Brandt EE, Rosenthal MF, and Elias DO. (2020) Complex interactions between temperature, sexual signals, and mate choice in a desert-dwelling jumping spider. Animal Behaviour. 170, 81-87, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.10.010 10.1016 pdf

    Choi N, Bern M, Elias DO, McGinley RH, Rosenthal MH, and Hebets EA (2019). Multiple impacts of the signalling environment on courtship communication – signaler behaviour, signal transmission, signaling success. Animal Behavior. (157). Pp 77-88 pdf

    Rosenthal MM and Elias DO (2019). Nonlinear changes in selection on a mating display across a continuous thermal gradient. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 286. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2019.1450 pdf

    Rosenthal MM, McGinley RH, Hebets EA and Elias DO (2019). The effects of microhabitat specialization on mating communication in a wolf spider. Behavioural Ecology. arz091, DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arz091. pdf

    Raboin M and Elias DO (2019). Anthropogenic noise and the bioacoustics of terrestrial invertebrates. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222: jeb178749 doi: 10.1242/jeb.178749. pdf

    Brandt EE, Kelley JP, and Elias DO (2018). Temperature alters multimodal signaling and mating success in an ectotherm. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 191. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-018-2620-5.pdf

    Girard MB, Kasumovic MM, and Elias DO (2018). The role of red coloration and song in peacock spider courtship: insights into complex signaling systems. Behavioural Ecology 29(6), 1234–1244. doi:10.1093/beheco/ary128. pdf

    Girard, M.B., D.O. Elias, and M.M. Kasumovic. (2015) Female preference for multi-modal courtship: multiple signals are important for male mating success in peacock spiders. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 2015. 282(1820). pdf

    Goodman KR, Kelley JP, Welter S, Roderick GK, and Elias DO. (2015) Rapid diversification of sexual signals in Hawaiian Nesosydne planthoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) under the influence of neutral and selective forces. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28(2): p. 415-427 pdf

    Elias, D.O., Sivalinghem, S., Mason, A.C., Andrade, M.C.B., and Kasumovic, M. M. (2014). Mate guarding courtship behaviour: Tactics in a changing world. Animal Behavior 97, 25-33. pdf.

    Wu Chung-Huey‡ and Elias DO. (2014) Vibratory noise in human-altered habitats and its effect on prey-detection in a web-building spider. Animal Behavior. 90, 47-56 ‡undergraduate author. pdf

Elias DO, Maddison WP, ‡Peckmezian C, Girard MB, and Mason AC. (2012) Orchestrating the score: Complex multimodal courtship in the Coecatus-group of Habronattus (Araneae: Salticidae). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 105(3) 522-547. ‡undergraduate author. pdf

Girard MB, Kasumovic MM, and Elias DO. (2011). Multi-modal courtship in the peacock spider, Maratus volans (O. P. –Cambridge, 1874). PLoS One 6, e25390. pdf

‡Sivalinghem S., Kasumovic M.M, Mason, A.C., Andrade M.C.B., and Elias D.O (2010). Vibratory communication in the jumping spider Phidippus clarus: Polyandry, male courtship signals, and mating success. Behavioral Ecology,21(6) 1308-1314,‡undergraduate author. pdf

Elias, D.O., ‡Sivalinghem S., Mason, A. C., Andrade, M. C. B., and Kasumovic, M. M. (2010) Vibratory communication in the jumping spider Phidippus clarus: Substrate-borne courtship signals are important for male mating success, Ethology 116: 990-998, ‡undergraduate author pdf

Elias, D.O., Mason, A. C., and Hebets, E.A. (2010) A signal-substrate match in the seismic component of a multimodal courtship display, Current Zoology 56(3), 370-378 pdf

Hebets E.A., Elias, D. O., Mason, A. C., Miller, G. L., and Stratton, G. P. (2008). Substrate-dependant signaling success in the wolf spider Schizocosa retrorsa. Animal Behavior, 75 (2), 605-615. pdf

Elias, D. O., Hebets, E. A., Hoy, R. R., Maddison, W. P., and Mason, A. C. (2007). Regional seismic song differences in sky-island populations of Habronattus pugillis Griswold. Journal of Arachnology, 34 (3): 545-557. pdf

Elias D. O., Hebets, E. A., and Hoy, R. R. (2006). Female preference for signal complexity/novelty in a jumping spider. Behavioral Ecology, 17(5): 765-771. pdf

Elias D. O., ‡Lee, N., Hebets, E. A., and Mason, A. C. (2006). Seismic signal production in a wolf spider: parallel versus serial multicomponent signals. Journal of Experimental Biology, 209, 1074-1084. ‡undergraduate author pdf

Elias D. O., Hebets, E. A., Hoy, R. R. and Mason, A. C. (2005). Seismic signals are crucial for male mating success in a visual specialist jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae). Animal Behaviour, 69 (4), 931-938. pdf

Elias D. O., Mason, A. C., and Hoy, R. R. (2004).  The effect of substrate on the efficacy of seismic courtship signal transmission in the jumping spider Habronattus dossenus (Araneae: Salticidae). Journal of Experimental Biology, 207, 4105-4110. pdf

Elias D. O., Mason, A. C., Maddison, W. P. and Hoy, R. R. (2003). Seismic signals in a courting male jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae). Journal of Experimental Biology 206, 4029-4039. pdf

  1. Rosenthal MF, Hebets EA, McGinley R, Raiza C, Starrett J, Yan L and Elias DO (2021). Exploring a novel substrate‐borne vibratory signal in the wolf spider Schizocosa floridana. Ethology. 2021; 127: 135– 144. https://doi.org/10.1111/eth.13114 pdf

    Escalante I, Ellis VR, and Elias DO. (2020) Leg loss decreases endurance and increases oxygen consumption during locomotion in harvestmen. Journal of Comparative Physiology- A https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-020-01455-1 pdf

    Brandt EE, Rosenthal MF, and Elias DO. (2020) Complex interactions between temperature, sexual signals, and mate choice in a desert-dwelling jumping spider. Animal Behaviour. 170, 81-87, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.10.010 10.1016 pdf

    Escalante I, Badger MA, and Elias DO (2020). Rapid recovery of locomotor performance after leg loss. Scientific Reports 10, 13747. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70557-2 pdf

    Brandt EE, Roberts K, Williams C, and Elias DO (2020). Low temperatures impact species distributions of jumping spiders across a desert elevational cline. Journal of Insect Physiology. (122). 104037. DOI:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2020.104037 pdf

    Choi N, Bern M, Elias DO, McGinley RH, Rosenthal MH, and Hebets EA (2019). Multiple impacts of the signalling environment on courtship communication – signaler behaviour, signal transmission, signaling success. Animal Behavior. (157). Pp 77-88 pdf

    Taylor JRA, deVries MS, and Elias DO (2019). Growling from the gut by ghost crabs: a novel mode of crustacean acoustic communication. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 286 (1910), p. 20191161. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2019.1161 pdf

    Rosenthal MM, McGinley RH, Hebets EA and Elias DO (2019). The effects of microhabitat specialization on mating communication in a wolf spider. Behavioural Ecology. arz091, DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arz091. pdf

    Raboin M and Elias DO (2019). Anthropogenic noise and the bioacoustics of terrestrial invertebrates. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222: jeb178749 DOI: 10.1242/jeb.178749. pdf

    Escalante I, Badger MA, and Elias DO (2019). Variation in movement: multiple locomotor gaits in Neotropical harvestmen. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society. 127 (2), 593-507 DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean.blz047 . pdf

    Kwong-Brown U, Tobias ML, Elias DO, Hall I, Elemans C, and Kelley DB (2019). The return to water in ancestral Xenopus was accompanied by a novel mechanism for producing and shaping vocal signals. eLife.8: e39946 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.39946 . pdf

    Girard MB, Kasumovic MM, and Elias DO (2018). The role of red coloration and song in peacock spider courtship: insights into complex signaling systems. Behavioural Ecology 29(6), 1234–1244. doi:10.1093/beheco/ary128. pdf

    Clark CJ, Mountcastle AM, Mistick E, and Elias DO (2017). Resonance frequencies of honeybee (Apis mellifera) wings. Journal of Experimental Biology 220, 2697-2700 doi:10.1242/jeb.154609. pdf

    Shamble PS, Menda G, Golden JR, Nitzany EI, Walden K, Beatus T, Elias DO, Cohen I, Miles RN, and Hoy RR (2016). Airborne acoustic perception by a jumping spider. Current Biology 26, 1-8 pdf

    Wood HM, Parkinson DY, Griswold CE, Gillespie RG, Elias DO. (2016) Need for speed: extremely rapid predatory strikes evolved repeatedly in trap-jaw spiders. Current Biology 26, 1-5. pdf

    Wu Chung-Huey‡ and Elias DO. (2014) Vibratory noise in human-altered habitats and its effect on prey-detection in a web-building spider. Animal Behavior. 90, 47-56 ‡undergraduate author. pdf

Clark CJ, Elias DO, and Prum R. (2013) Hummingbird feather sounds are produced by aeroelastic flutter, not vortex-induced vibration. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216(18): 3395-3403. pdf

Clark CJ, Elias DO, Girard, MB, and Prum R. (2013) Structural resonance and mode of flutter of hummingbird tail feathers. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216(18): 3404-341. pdf

Manfredi LR, Baker AT, Elias DO, Dammann III JF, Zielinski M, Polashock VS, and Bensmaia SJ. (2012) The effect of surface wave propagation on afferent responses to vibrations in primate glabrous skin. PLoS One 7(2), e31203. pdf

Clark CJ, Elias DO, and Prum R. Aeroelastic flutter produces hummingbird feather songs. (2011) Science 333, 1430-1433. pdf

Elias, D.O., and Mason, A. C. (2011) Signaling in variable environments: Substrate-borne signaling mechanisms and communication behavior in spiders. In: The Use of Vibrations in Communication: properties, mechanisms and function across taxa (Edited by O’Connell-Rodwell, CE), Research Signpost.

Elias, D.O., Mason, A. C., and Hebets, E.A. (2010) A signal-substrate match in the seismic component of a multimodal courtship display, Current Zoology 56(3), 370-378 pdf

Kasumovic M.M*., Elias D.O*., ‡Sivalinghem S., Andrade M.C.B., and Mason, A.C. (2010) Examination of prior contest experience and the retention of winner and loser-effects. Behavioral Ecology, 21 (2), 404-409 *Authors contributed equally, ‡undergraduate author pdf

Bostwick K.S., Elias D.O., Mason A.C. and Montealegre-Z F. (2010). Resonating feathers produce courtship song. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1683), 835-841 pdf

Kasumovic M.M., Elias D.O., Punzalan D., Mason, A.C. and Andrade M.C.B. (2009). Experience affects the outcome of agonistic contests without affecting the selective advantage of size. Animal Behavior 77, 1533-1538. pdf

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Brandt EE, Rosenthal MF, and Elias DO. (2020) Complex interactions between temperature, sexual signals, and mate choice in a desert-dwelling jumping spider. Animal Behaviour. 170, 81-87, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.10.010 10.1016 pdf

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Elias, D.O., Botero, C. A., Andrade, M. C. B., Mason, A. C., and Kasumovic, M. M. (2010) High resource valuation fuels “desperado” fighting tactics in female jumping spiders, Behavioral Ecology, 21(4):868-875 pdf

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