California Fourth Climate Assessment Reports released

California recently released the findings of its Fourth Climate Change Assessment. The assessment includes a statewide summary report, regional reports, and topical reports and are intended to translate the state of climate science into useful information for decision-makers and practitioners to catalyze action that will benefit regions, the ocean and coast, frontline communities, and tribal and indigenous communities. Ted led the North Coast Region Report, with contributions from several UC colleagues.

Essential water policy reforms for managing drought in California

Check out the latest report from PPIC’s Water Policy Center, which recommends water policy reforms for avoiding negative social, economic, and environmental consequences from drought and a changing climate. Key reforms include:

  • Plan ahead. Stronger drought planning is critically important for urban water management, groundwater sustainability, safe drinking water in rural communities, and freshwater ecosystems.
  • Upgrade the water grid. California needs a comprehensive program to address above- and below-ground storage, conveyance, and operational challenges by mid-century, including repairing facilities that are broken, expanding conveyance and storage capacity, and modernizing and integrating operations.
  • Update water allocation rules. California should comprehensively update its water allocation governance. The goals should be to find equitable and efficient ways to allocate limited supplies among competing demands during dry times while promoting efforts to capture and store water during wet times.
  • Find the money. Reliable funding is crucial for adapting to climate change. New sources are needed to pay for necessary water-management investments and to fill funding gaps in the state’s water system.

Welcome to Rachael Ryan!

Rachael Ryan is a new grad student in the #BerkeleyFreshwater group, and will be co-advised by Stephanie and Ted. Rachael plans to explore the influence of climatic variation and habitat mosaics on distribution, abundance, and diversity of coho salmon in the Lagunitas Watershed, in west Marin. Stay tuned for updates!

August 2018 updates

May 2018 updates

  • May was travel month! Albert participated in a Powell Center workshop on the Budyko framework–this interdisciplinary working group is ongoing and will present in next AGU Fall Meeting on the cumulative effects of dams on flow regime alteration.
  • The Berkeley Freshwater Ecology labs also attended the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting in Detroit, MI. It was a great combination of science & fun.
  • Meanwhile, visiting researcher Maria went back to Spain after a productive stay analyzing arthropod metacommunity data from intermittent streams.
  • Last but not least, the lab renovations were completed!