Toxic Tides

This environmental justice project is characterizing community threats posed by sea level rise (SLR) and flooding of hazardous sites to socially marginalized and disadvantaged populations through the development, integration and spatial analysis of: high-resolution maps of land areas at risk of inundation; locational information on hazardous sites and presence of toxic materials they store, use, or emit; and social vulnerability indicators derived from housing and census data. We are integrating information on hazardous sites and indicators of social disadvantage into a searchable English/Spanish online mapping interface that provides customizable visualizations and data about SLR projections. 



Climate Central

Asian Pacific Environmental Network

Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE)

Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles (PSR-LA)

Public Health Institute

WE ACT for Environmental Justice


Funders: Strategic Growth Council and US EPA STAR Program