Jordi-René Mor

Jordi-René Mor

Visiting Ph.D. student
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My research focuses on understanding the combined effects of flow intermittency and sewage inputs on food-web structure in Mediterranean rivers. I visited the Ruhi Lab from the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) and the University of Barcelona (UB), where I did my Ph.D.  In the Ruhi Lab, I developed quantitative analysis to understand the trophic and non-trophic impacts of stressors on river food webs.

Main publications:

Mor, J.R., Muñoz, I., Sabater, S., Zamora, L. and Ruhi, A., 2022. Energy limitation or sensitive predators? Trophic and non‐trophic impacts of wastewater pollution on stream food webs. Ecology103(2), p.e03587.

Mor, J.R., Ruhí, A., Tornés, E., Valcárcel, H., Muñoz, I. and Sabater, S., 2018. Dam regulation and riverine food-web structure in a Mediterranean river. Science of the Total Environment625, pp.301-310.

Current position: Research scientist at the CNR IRSA Water Research Institute, Verbania, Italy.