
2025 (& in press)

al-Jamal, A., Ruhi, A., Mohammadi, R.M., Bogan, M.T. & R.J. Fournier. Aquatic top predator prefers terrestrial prey in an intermittent stream. Ecology, in press, DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4518.


Fournier, R.J., Colombano, D.D., Latour, R.J., Carlson, S.M. & A. Ruhi. Long-term data reveal widespread phenological change across major US estuarine food webs. Ecology Letters, 27(12): e14441.

Anadón, J. D., Piñeiro, O., Ruhi, A.,  Hornstein, J.  & J. R. Waldman (2024). Decoupled shifts of dominant and rarer fish species as a response to warming and extreme events in a large estuary. Ecosphere, 15 (7), e4876.

Leathers, K., Herbst. D., de Mendoza, G., Doerschlag, G. & A. Ruhi (2024). Climate change is poised to alter mountain stream ecosystem processes via organismal phenological shifts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 121(14):e2310513121. [media coverage]

Moravek, J., Soto, T., Brashares, J. & A. Ruhi (2024). Restored off-channel pond habitats create thermal regime diversity and refuges within a Mediterranean-climate watershed. Restoration Ecology, 32(4), p.e14110.

Siqueira, T., Hawkins, C., Olden, J., […*] & A. Ruhi (2024). Understanding temporal variability across trophic levels and spatial scales in freshwater ecosystems. Ecology, 105(2):e4219. *26 additional coauthors.

Carlson, S.M., Ruhi, A., Bogan, M.T., Wölfle Hazard, C., Ayers, J., Grantham, T.E., Batalla, R.J. & C. Garcia (2024). Losing flow in free-flowing, Mediterranean-climate streams. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environmentp.e2737.

Gill, B.A., Allen, D.C., Mims, M.C. Neeson, T.M., Ruhi A., […*] & M. T. Bogan (2024). Combined benthic and stream edge sampling better represent macroinvertebrate assemblages than benthic sampling alone along an aridity gradient. Limnology & Oceanography Methods, 22(4):208-216. *14 additional coauthors.

Fernández-Calero, J.M., Cunillera-Montcusí, D., Hermoso, V. Quevedo-Ortiz, G. Fortuño, P., Acosta, R., Gomà, J., Cid, N., Vinyoles, D., Ruhí, A., Cañedo-Argüelles, M. & Núria Bonada (2024). Integrating spatiotemporal hydrological connectivity into conservation planning to protect temporary rivers. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34(3):e4139.

Saccò, M., Mammola, S., Altermatt, F. […]*, Ruhi, A., Marthe M. Gagnon, M., Allentoft, M.E. & R. Reinecke (2024). Groundwater is a hidden global keystone ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 30(1):e17066. *44 additional coauthors. [media coverage].


Tu, T., Comte, L. & A. Ruhi (2023). The color of environmental noise in river networks. Nature Communications, 14:1728.

Fournier, R., de Mendoza, G., Sarremejane, R. & A. Ruhi (2023). Isolation controls reestablishment mechanisms and post-drying community structure in an intermittent stream. Ecology, 104(2):e3911.

Leathers, K., Herbst, D., Safeeq, M. & A. Ruhi (2023). Dynamic, downstream-propagating thermal vulnerability in a mountain stream network: implications for biodiversity in the face of climate change. Limnology and Oceanography, 68(S1): 101-114.

Pak, N., Colombano D.D., Greiner, T., Hobbs, J.A., Carlson, S.M. & A.Ruhi (2023). Disentangling abiotic and biotic controls of Pacific herring population stability across the San Francisco Estuary. Ecosphere, 14(5): e4440. [media coverage]

Chalise, D.R., Sankarasubramanian, A., Olden, J.D. & A. Ruhi (2023). Spectral signatures of flow regime alteration by dams across the United States. Earth’s Future, 11(2):e2022EF003078.

Baruch, E.M., Harms, T.K., Ruhi, A., Lu, M., Gaines-Sewell, L. & J.L. Sabo (2023). Food web efficiency in desert streams. Limnology & Oceanography, 68(3): 723-734.

Carvajal-Quintero, J., Comte, L., Giam, X., Olden, J.D., Brose, U., Eros, T., Filipe, A.F., Fortin, M.J., Irving, K., Jacquet, C., Larsen, S., Ruhi, A., Sharma, S., Villalobos, F. & P.A. Tedesco (2023). Scale of population synchrony confirms macroecological estimates of minimum viable range size.
Ecology Letters, 26(2): 291-301.

Sanchez-Montoya, M.M., Datry, T., Ruhi, A., Carlson, S.M., Corti, R. & K. Tockner (2023). Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams are pivotal corridors for aquatic and terrestrial animals. BioScience, 73(4): 291–301.


Ruhi, A., Hwang, J., Devineni, N., Mukhopadhyay, S., Kumar, H., Comte, L., Worland, S. &  A. Sankarasubramanian (2022). How does flow alteration propagate across a large, highly-regulated basin? Dam attributes, network context, and implications for biodiversity. Earth’s Future, 10(6): e2021EF002490.

Colombano, D., Carlson, S.M., Hobbs, J. & A. Ruhi (2022). Four decades of climatic fluctuations and fish recruitment stability across a marine-freshwater gradient. Global Change Biology, 28(17): 5104-5120.

Baruch, E.M., Ruhi, A., Harms, T.K. & J.L. Sabo (2022). Flow variation at multiple scales filters fish life histories and constrains community diversity in desert streams. Ecosphere, 13(6):e4086.

Mor, J.R, Muñoz, I., Sabater, S., Zamora, L. & A. Ruhi (2022). Energy limitation or sensitive predators? Trophic and non-trophic impacts of wastewater pollution on stream food webs. Ecology, 103(2): e03587.

Benito. X ., Luethje, M., Schneider, T., Fritz, S.C., Baker, P., Pedersen, E., Gauzere, P., Nascimiento, M., Bush, M. & A. Ruhi (2022). Ecological resilience in tropical Andean lakes: a paleolimnological perspective. Limnology & Oceanography, 67:S23–S37.


Comte, L., Grantham, T. & A. Ruhi (2021). Human stabilization of river flows is linked with fish invasions across the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(3):725–737.

Sarremejane, R., Stubbington, R., England, E., Sefton, C.E.M., Eastman, M., Parry, S. & A. Ruhi (2021). Drought effects on invertebrate metapopulation dynamics and quasi-extinction risk in an intermittent river network. Global Change Biology, 27(17):4024–4039.

Vander Vorste, R, Stubbington, R., Acuña, V., Bogan, M.T., Bonada, N., Cid. N., Datry, T., Storey, R., Wood, P.J. & A. Ruhi (2021). Climatic aridity increases temporal nestedness of invertebrate communities in naturally drying rivers. Ecography, 44(6):860-869.

Chalise, D.R., Sankarasubramanian, A. & A. Ruhi (2021). Dams and climate interact to alter river flow regimes across the United States. Earth’s Future, 9(4), p.e2020EF001816.

Hwang, J., Kumar, H., Ruhi, A., Sankarasubramanian, A. and Devineni, N., 2021. Quantifying dam‐induced fluctuations in streamflow frequencies across the Colorado River Basin. Water Resources Research, 57(10):p.e2021WR029753.

Comte, L., et al.* (2021). RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time-series to study global change ecology in riverine systems. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(1):38-50. [*more than 30 co‑authors].

Comte, L., Olden, J.D., Tedesco, P., Ruhi, A & X. Giam (2021). Climate and land-use changes interact to drive long-term reorganization of riverine fish communities globally. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 118(27):118 (27) e2011639118.

Larsen, L., Comte L., Filipe A.F., Fortin M.-J., Jacquet C., Remo Ryser, Tedesco P.A., Brose U., Erős T., Giam X., Irving K., Ruhi A., Sharma S., Olden J.D (2021). The geography of metapopulation synchrony in dendritic river networks. Ecology Letters, 24:791–801.

Patrick, C.J., McCluney, K.E., Ruhi, A., Gregory, A., Sabo, J. & J.H. Thorp (2021). Multi-scale biodiversity drives temporal variability in macrosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19(1):47-56.


Sanchez-Montoya, M., Tockner, K., von Schiller, D., Miñano, J., Catarineu, C., Lencina, J.L., Gonzalez-Barbera, G. &. A. Ruhi (2020). Dynamics of ground-dwelling arthropod metacommunities in intermittent streams: the key role of dry riverbeds. Biological Conservation, 241:108328.

Allen, D., Datry, T., Boersma, K., Bogan, M., Boulton, A.J., Bruno, D., Busch, M., Costigan, K., Dodds, W.K., Fritz, K., Godsey, S.E., Jones, J.B., Kaletova, T., Kampf, S.K., Mims, M.C., Neeson, T.M., Olden, J.D., Pastor, A.V., Poff, N.L. Ruddell, B.L., Ruhi, A., Singer, G., Vezza, P., Ward, A.S. & M. Zimmer (2020).  River ecosystem conceptual models and non-perennial rivers: A critical review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 7(5):e1473.

Erős, T., Comte, L., Filipe, A.F., Ruhi, A., Tedesco, P.A., Brose, U. Fortin, M.J., Giam, X., Irving, K., Jacquet, C., Larsen, S., Sharma, S. & J.D. Olden (2020). Effects of nonnative species on the stability of riverine fish communities. Ecography, 43(8): 1156-1166.


Palmer, M*. & A. Ruhi* (2019) [*equal contribution]. Linkages between flow regime, biota, and ecosystem processes: implications for river restoration. Science, 365(6459):eaaw2087.

Anderson, E.P., Jackson, S., Tharme, R.E., Douglas, M., Flotemersch, J.E., Zwarteveen, M., Lokgariwar, C., Montoya, M., Wali, A., Tipa, G.T. Jardine, T.D., Olden, J.D., Cheng, L., Conallin, J., Cosens, B., Dickens, C., Garrick, D., Groenfeldt, D., Kabogo, J., Roux, D., Ruhi, A. & A.H. Arthington (2019). Understanding rivers and their social relations: A critical step to advance environmental water management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 6(6):e1381.

Tonkin, J.D., Poff, N.L., Bond, N.R., Horne, A., Merritt, D.M., Reynolds, L.V., Olden, J.D., Ruhi, A. & Lytle, D.A., 2019. Prepare river ecosystems for an uncertain future. Nature, 570(7761):301.

Sabo, J.L., Holtgrieve, G.W., Ruhi, A., Arias, M.E., Ngor, P.B., Elliott, V., Räsänen, T.A. & S. Nam (2019). Response to Comment on “Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin”. Science, 364(6444):eaav9887.

Ruhi, A., Cross, W., Catford, J., Escoriza, D. & J.D. Olden (2019). Understanding the nexus between hydrological alteration and biological invasions. In: Sabater, S., Elosegi, A. & R. Ludwig (Eds), Multiple Stressors in River Ecosystems. Elsevier.


Ruhi, A., Messager, M. & J.D. Olden (2018). Tracking the pulse of the Earth’s fresh waters. Nature Sustainability, 1(4):198–203.

Ruhi, A., Dong, X., Holt, C., Batzer, D.P. & J.L. Sabo (2018). Detrimental effects of a novel flow regime on the functional trajectory of an aquatic invertebrate metacommunity. Global Change Biology, 24(8):3749-3765.

Palmer, M. & A. Ruhi (2018). Measuring Earth’s rivers. Science, 361(6402):546-547.

Holtgrieve, G.W., Arias, M.E., Ruhi, A., Elliott, V., Nam, S., Ngor, P.B., Räsänen, T.A.  & J.L. Sabo (2018). Response to Comments on “Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin”. Science, 361(6398):p.eaat1477.

Sabo, J.L., Caron, M., Doucett, R., Dibble, K., Ruhi, A., Marks, J.C., Hungate, B & T.A. Kennedy (2018). Pulsed flows, tributary inputs, and food-web structure in a highly regulated river. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(4):1884-1895.

Kominoski, J.S., Ruhi, A., Hagler, M.M., Petersen, K., Sabo, J.L., Sinha, T., Arumugam, S. & J.D. Olden (2018). Patterns and drivers of fish extirpations in rivers of the American Southwest and Southeast. Global Change Biology, 24(3):1175–1185.

Mor, J.R., Ruhi, A., Muñoz, I., Tornés, E., Acuña, V., & S. Sabater (2018). Dam regulation and riverine food-web structure in a Mediterranean river. Science of the Total Environment, 625:301-310.

2017 and older

Ruhi, A., Datry, T. & J.L. Sabo (2017). Interpreting beta diversity components over time to conserve metacommunities in highly-dynamic ecosystems. Conservation Biology, 31(6):1459-1468.

Acuña, V., Hunter, M. & A. Ruhi (2017). Managing temporary streams and rivers as unique rather than second-class ecosystems. Biological Conservation, 211(B):12-19.

Dong, X., Ruhi, A. & N.B. Grimm (2017). Evidence for self-organization in determining spatial patterns of stream nutrients, despite primacy of the geomorphic template. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 114(24):4744–4752.

Rosset, B., Ruhi, A., Bogan, M.T. & T. Datry (2017). Do lentic and lotic communities respond similarly to drying? Ecosphere, 8(7):e01809.

Sabo, J.L., Ruhi, A., Elliot, V., Arias, M., Holtgrieve, G. & N. So (2017). Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin. Science, 358(6368):eaao1053.

Sankarasubramanian, A., Sabo, J. L., Larson, K., Seo, S., Sinha, T., Bhowmik, R., Ruhi, A., Kunkel, K., Mahinthakumar, G., Berglund, E. & J. Kominoski (2017). Synthesis of public water supply use in the U.S.: Spatio-temporal patterns and socio-economic controls. Earth’s Future, 5(7):771-788.

Boix, D., Caria, M.C., Gascón, S., Mariani, M.A., Sala, J., Ruhi, A., Compte, J. & S. Bagella (2017). Contrasting intra-annual patterns of six biotic groups with different dispersal mode and ability in Mediterranean temporary wetlands. Marine and Freshwater Research, 68, 1044-1060.

Bogan, M.T., Chester, E., Datry, T., Murphy, A., Robson, B., Ruhi, A. & J. Whitney (2017). Resistance, Resilience, and Community Recovery in Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams. In: Datry, T., Bonada, N. & A. Boulton (Eds), Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and ManagementElsevier.

Datry, T., Bonada, N., Corti, R., Heino, J., Hugueny, B., Rolls. R & A. Ruhi (2017). Habitat Fragmentation and Metapopulation, Metacommunity, and Metaecosystem Dynamics in Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams. In: Datry, T., Bonada, N. & A. Boulton (Eds.), Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management. Elsevier.

Ruhi, A., Olden, J. & J.L. Sabo (2016). Declining streamflow induces collapse and replacement of native fish in the American Southwest. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14(9):1-8. [F1000 Prime recommended]

Ruhi, A., Muñoz, I., Tornés, E., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D., Ponsatí, L., Acuña, V., von Schiller, D., Marcé, R., Bussi, G., Francés, F. & S. Sabater (2016). Flow regulation increases foodchain length through omnivory mechanisms in a Mediterranean river network. Freshwater Biology, 61(9):1536-1549.

Ruhi, A., Acuña, V., Barceló, D., Huerta, B., Mor, J.R., Rodríguez, S. & S. Sabater (2016). Bioaccumulation and trophic magnification of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in a Mediterranean river food web. Science of the Total Environment, 540: 250-259.

Sánchez-Montoya, M., von Schiller, D., Ruhi, A., Sting Pechar, G., Proia, L., Miñano, J., Vidal-Abarca, R.R., Suárez, M.L., & K. Tockner (2016). Responses of ground-dwelling arthropods to surface flow drying in channels and adjacent habitats along Mediterranean streams. Ecohydrology, 9(7):1376–1387.

Escoriza, D. & A. Ruhi (2016). Functional distance to recipient communities may favour invasiveness: insights from two invasive frogs. Diversity and Distributions, 22(5):519-533.

Gascón, S., Arranz, I. Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Nebra, A., Ruhi, A., Rieradevall, M., Caiola, N., Sala, J., Ibàñez, C., Quintana, XD. & D. Boix (2016). Environmental filtering determines metacommunity structure in wetland microcrustaceans. Oecologia, 181(1):193-205.

Compte, J., Montenegro, M., Ruhi, A., Gascón, S., Sala, J. & D. Boix (2016). Microhabitat selection and diel patterns of zooplankton in a Mediterranean temporary pond Hydrobiologia, 766(1):201-213.

Huerta, B., Rodriguez-Mozaz S., Nannou C., Nakis L., Ruhi A., Acuña V., Sabater, S. & D. Barcelo (2016). Determination of a broad spectrum of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in biofilm from a WWTP-impacted river. Science of the Total Environment, 540:241-249.

Ruhi, A., Holmes, E., Rinne, J. & J.L. Sabo (2015). Anomalous droughts, not invasion, decrease persistence of native fishes in a desert river. Global Change Biology, 21(4):1482-1496. [media coverage]

Arranz, I., Sala, J., Gascón, S., Ruhi, A., Quintana, X.D., Amoedo, J., Martinoy, M. & D Boix (2015). Contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of Chaoborus species (Diptera: Chaoboridae) in NE Iberian Peninsula, with notes on the spatial and temporal segregation among them. Limnetica, 34:57-68.

Huerta, B., Jakimska, A., Llorca, M., Ruhi, A., Margaoutidis, G., Acuña, V., Sabater, S., Rodriguez-Mozaz, S. & D. Barceló (2015). Development of an analytical method for the determination of multi-class pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in freshwater invertebrates. Talanta, 132:373-381.

Ruhi, A., Chappuis, E., Escoriza, D., Jover, M., Sala, J., Boix, D., Gascón, S. & E. Gacia (2014). Environmental filtering determines community patterns in temporary wetlands – a multi‑taxon approach. Hydrobiologia, 723(1):25-39.

Ruhi, A. & D. Batzer (2014). Assessing congruence and surrogacy among wetland macroinvertebrate taxa towards efficiently measuring biodiversity. Wetlands, 34(6):1061-1071.

Escoriza, D. & A. Ruhi (2014). Macroecological patterns of amphibian assemblages in the Western Palearctic: Implications for conservation. Biological Conservation, 176:252-261.

Rouissi, M., Boix, D., Muller, S.D., Gascón, S., Ruhi, A., Sala, J., Bouattour, A., Ben Haj Jilani, I., Ghrabi-Gammar, Z., Ben Saad-Limam, S. & A. Daoud-Bouattour (2014). Spatio-temporal variability of faunal and floral assemblages in Mediterranean temporary wetlands.
Comptes Rendus Biologies, 337(12):695-708.

Ruhi, A., Boix, D., Gascón, S., Sala, J. & D. Batzer (2013). Functional and phylogenetic relatedness in temporary wetland invertebrates: current macroecological patterns and implications for future climatic change scenarios. PLOS One, 8(11):e81739.

Tornés, A. & A. Ruhi (2013). Flow intermittency decreases nestedness and specialization of diatom communities in Mediterranean rivers. Freshwater Biology, 58(12):2555-2566.

Batzer, D. & A. Ruhi (2013). Is there a core set of organisms that structure invertebrate assemblages in freshwater wetlands? Freshwater Biology, 58(8):1647-1659.

Ruhi, A., Boix, D., Sala, J., Gascón, S. & X.D. Quintana (2013). Nestedness and successional trajectories of macroinvertebrate assemblages in created wetlands. Oecologia, 171(2):545-556.

Ruhi, A., Herrmann, J., Gascón, S., Sala, J., Geijer, J. & D. Boix (2012). Change in biological traits and community structure of macroinvertebrates through primary succession in a man-made Swedish wetland. Freshwater Science, 31(1):22-37.

Ruhi, A., San Sebastian, O., Feo, C., Franch, M., Gascón, S., Richter-Boix, À., Boix, D. & G. Llorente (2012). Man-made Mediterranean Temporary Ponds as a tool for amphibian conservation.
Annales de Limnologie – International Journal of Limnology, 48(1):81-93. [Editor’s choice]

Ruhi, A., Herrmann, J., Gascón, S., Sala, J. & D. Boix (2012). How do early successional patterns in man-made wetlands differ between cold temperate and Mediterranean regions? Limnologica, 42(4):328-339.

Boix, D., Ruhi, A., Gascón, S. & J. Sala (2012). First record of Holocentropus stagnalis (Albarda, 1874) (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) for the Iberian Peninsula. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 51:343‒345.

Ruhi, A., D. Boix, J. Sala, S. Gascón & X. D. Quintana (2009). Spatial and temporal patterns of pioneer macrofauna in recently created ponds: taxonomic and functional approaches. Hydrobiologia, 634(1):137-151.