Romain Sarremejane

Romain Sarremejane

Postdoc researcher
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I am a freshwater community ecologist interested in the processes driving (meta)community assembly and ecosystem functioning in river networks. My research focuses on how connectivity (dispersal) and flow disturbance (droughts and floods) affect river community spatiotemporal dynamics within and among river networks. From the intermittent rivers of the Mediterranean to the groundwater-fed English chalk streams and the dense boreal river networks, I explored the effect of extreme hydrologic events and seasonal flow intermittency on community assemblies across climates. In the Ruhi Lab, I studied how drought alters invertebrate community synchrony and the associated extinction risk.

Main publications:
Sarremejane, R., Stubbington, R., England, J., Sefton, C.E., Eastman, M., Parry, S. and Ruhi, A., 2021. Drought effects on invertebrate metapopulation dynamics and quasi‐extinction risk in an intermittent river network. Global Change Biology, 27(17), pp.4024-4039.

Fournier, R.J., de Mendoza, G., Sarremejane, R. and Ruhi, A., 2023. Isolation controls reestablishment mechanisms and post‐drying community structure in an intermittent stream. Ecology104(2), p.e3911.

Current position: Research Fellow at Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham (NTU), UK