I’m a third year PhD student in the Silver lab. My thesis examines the impact of anaerobic conditions and fluctuations in redox potential on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon cycling in tropical forest soils.
My previous research focused on the restoration of temperate and neotropical wetlands, where I evaluated impacts of altered disturbance regimes on plant communities and documented the potential of indigenous management to restore degraded systems. This led to an MS degree at the University of Wisconsin, advised by Joy Zedler in collaboration with Roberto Lindig-Cisneros at UNAM-CIEco in Mexico.
Contact: stevenhall@berkeley.edu
Hall, S.J., Silver W., and R. Amundson. Greenhouse gas fluxes from Atacama Desert soils: A test of biogeochemical potential at the Earth’s arid extreme. Accepted, Biogeochemistry.
Hall, S.J., and J.B. Zedler. 2010. Constraints on sedge meadow self-restoration in urban wetlands. Restoration Ecology: DOI: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2008.00498.x
Hall, S.J. 2009. Cultural disturbances and local ecological knowledge mediate cattail invasion in Lake Pátzcuaro, México. Human Ecology 37:241-249 Open Access URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/g304087p6472x520/
Hall, S.J., R. Lindig-Cisneros, and J.B. Zedler. 2008. Does harvesting sustain diversity in central Mexican wetlands? Wetlands 28:776-792.
Hall, S.J. 2009. Invasive species datasheets for Typha x glauca and Typha domingensis. CABI Invasive Species Compendium. Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International, Wallingford, UK.
Smith, S. D., P. R. Izquierdo S., S. J. Hall and D. A. Baum. 2008. Comparative pollination biology of sympatric and allopatric Andean Iochroma (Solanaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 95: 600-617.