Andrew Moyes

Title: Assistant Project Scientist

I am interested in the intersections between plant ecophysiology, ecosystem biogeochemistry, and global change. In the Silver lab I am studying how rainfall, vegetation, and land management impact greenhouse gas fluxes of California grassland soils. I am also currently involved with projects to investigate fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by symbiotic foliar bacteria and to measure soil respiration under snowpack. Previously, I have worked on physiological sensitivity to climate of conifers establishing at their warm- and cold-edge range limits, the contribution of recently assimilated carbon to soil respiration, fire and restoration ecology of Southern California grasslands and shrublands, and photoprotective pigments in leaves.




Postdoctoral Training, 2010-2014

University of California Merced, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Funding grant: Subalpine and alpine species range shifts with climate change: temperature and soil moisture manipulations and population responses

Investigators: Lara Kueppers, John Harte, Margaret Torn, Jeffry Mitton, and Matthew Germino

Ph.D., Biology, 2010

University of Utah
Dissertation: The contribution of recently-assimilated carbon to soil respiration
Committee: David Bowling (chair), James Ehleringer, Thure Cerling, Kip Solomon, and John Sperry

M.S., Biology, 2004

California State University Los Angeles
Master’s thesis: Prescribed fire and restoration of native plants in a California annual grassland
Committee: John Gamon (chair), Robert Nakamura, and Robert Desharnais

B.S., Biology, 2001

California State University Los Angeles


Moyes AB, LM Kueppers, D Carper, J Pett-Ridge, A Dekas, N Vandehey, J O’Neill, and C Frank (in prep) Foliar endophytic nitrogen fixation in a widespread subalpine conifer.

Moyes, AB, and DR Bowling (in prep) Vegetation traits, including nitrogen-fixing symbioses, determine soil respiration along a Rocky Mountain tree-meadow ecotone.

Moyes, AB, MJ Germino, and LM Kueppers (in review) Moisture rivals temperature in limiting photosynthesis by trees establishing beyond their cold-edge range limit

Moyes, AB, and DR Bowling (2013) Interannual variation in seasonal drivers of soil respiration in a semi-arid Rocky Mountain meadow. Biogeochemistry 113: 683-697.

Moyes, AB, C Castanha, MJ Germino, and LM Kueppers (2013) Warming and the dependence of limber pine (Pinus flexilis) establishment on summer soil moisture within and above its current elevation range. Oecologia 171(1): 271-282.

Gamnitzer, U, AB Moyes, DR Bowling, and H Schnyder (2011) Measuring and modeling the isotopic composition of soil respiration: Insights from a grassland tracer experiment.

Biogeosciences 8(5): 1333-1350.

Moyes, AB, SJ Gaines, RT Siegwolf, and DR Bowling, (2010) Diffusive fractionation complicates isotopic partitioning of autotrophic and heterotrophic sources of soil respiration. Plant, Cell and Environment 11: 1804-1819.

Moyes, AB, AJ Schauer, RT Siegwolf, and DR Bowling (2010) A manual injection method for measuring carbon isotope content of soil carbon dioxide and soil respiration with a tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 24: 894-900.

Moyes, AB, MS Witter, and JA Gamon (2005) Restoration of native perennials in a California annual grassland after prescribed spring burning and solarization. Restoration Ecology 13(4): 659-666.



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