Dr. Brandon Collins
Associate Adjunct ProfessorView all Lab Affiliates

Email: bcollins@berkeley.edu; bmcollins@fs.fed.us
Hometown: Alameda, CA
Ph.D. Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California Berkeley, 2007
M.S. Forest Sciences, Colorado State University, 2004
B.S. Forestry, University of California Berkeley, 2001
Current Projects
Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Plan (SNAMP) [SNAMP Website]
Managing Natural Wildfires in Sierra Nevada Wilderness Area
Spatial Patterns of Large Natural Fires in Sierra Nevada Wilderness Areas [
Initial Changes in Forest Understory Communities Following Fuel Reduction Treatments
Fire regimes of mixed conifer forests in the north-central Sierra Nevada at multiple spatial scales
Regional relationships between climate and wildfire burned area in the Interior West, USA