ES 10: Introduction to Environmental Science

Spring 2003


Welcome to ES 10!


ES 10 introduces the principles of Environmental Science. The course is required of and designed for ES majors, but is suitable for any student interested in learning how the biosphere is organized, understood, protected, and managed.

The final exam is on Saturday, May 17 at 8am in F295 Haas; for those students who have made proper arrangements, the early final is on Thursday, May 15 at 9am in 132 Mulford

Here are FAQ1 and FAQ2 from the first two midterms; and here are FAQ3 and FAQ4 from Profs Bartolome and Fung from the last day of class

Interesting article in the Sacramento Bee on how decisions made here in California affect the environment in other parts of the world

Another Sac Bee article on the impending water problems in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Here's a page full of links about Bjorn Lomborg (a.k.a.: the Skeptical Environmentalist)

Satellite image of sunset over Europe

UCB Image 600 - note the use of false color


For information or web site comments, contact Terry DeBiase 
Site created by A. Betts and R. Flay. 
Last modified May 14, 2003 12:00 .

All photos by Mark Hoshovsky, CA Dept of Fish & Game.