About Us

What We Do

The Karuk-UC Berkeley Collaborative builds connections between tribal members and the UC Berkeley community to enhance the eco-cultural revitalization of the people and landscapes within Karuk ancestral lands and territories.

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The mission of the Karuk-UC Berkeley Collaborative is to foster synergistic collaborations between the Karuk Tribe and UC Berkeley, and additional partners working with them, to enhance the eco-cultural revitalization of the people and landscapes within Karuk ancestral lands and territories.

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Karuk-UC Berkeley Collaborative co-founders, active members, and alumni.

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Our Approach, or Practicing Píkyav

Acknowledging that individuals and groups at UC Berkeley and other academic institutions have not always acted in the best interest of California Indian Tribes, Karuk-UC Berkeley Collaborative members and our allies hope that we can be part of a larger effort to begin mending problematic relationships among universities, researchers and Indigenous peoples.

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