Anderson, Kat. 2005. Tending the Wild: Native American knowledge and the management of California’s natural resources, University of California Press, Berkeley.
Arnold, Mary Ellicot and Mabel Reed. 1980. In the Land of the Grasshopper Song: Two women in the Klamath river Indian country in 1908, 1909. Vantage Press, New York.
Deloria, Vine. 1973. God Is Red: A Native view of religion. The Putnam Publishing Group, New York.
House, Freeman. 2000. Totem Salmon: Life lessons from another species. Beacon Press, MA.
Lee, Gaylen D. 1998. Walking Where We Lived: Memoirs of a Mono Indian family. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Madley, Benjamin. 2016. An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.
Norgaard, Kari. 2004. The Effects of Altered Diet on the Health of the Karuk People. The Karuk Tribe of California.
Norton, Jack, 1979. Genocide in Northwestern California: When our worlds cried, Indian Historian Press.
Sarris, Greg. 1993. Keeping Slug Woman Alive: A Holistic approach to American Indian texts. University of California Press, Berkeley.
Solnit, Rebecca. 2008. Storming the Gates of Paradise: Landscapes for politics. University of California Press, Berkeley.
Starn, Orin. 2004. Ishi’s Brain: In search of America’s last “wild” Indian. W.W. Norton Company, Inc., New York.
Thompson, Lucy. 1916. To The American Indian: Reminiscences of a Yurok woman. Heyday Books (1991).
Vine, Robert H. and John Mack Faragher. 2000. The American West: A new interpretive history. Yale University Press, New Haven.
Wallace, David Rains. 1983. The Klamath Knot: Explorations of myth and evolution. Sierra Club Books.
A Layperson’s Guide to the Klamath River. An overview to the water conflicts in the basin, the many agencies involved, and the policy initiatives currently on the table.
Learn more or buy a copy of the report.
Long Ago and Today. A exhibition catalog of Karuk Arts written by Julian Lang. It provides an overview of Karuk ceremonies in a contemporary context, some of the Karuk “Fix the World” philosophy, and an introduction to some of the regalia that are used in World Renewal ceremonies.
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